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Регистриран на:
14 Май 2005 18:21
Мнения: 4847
Местоположение: The city of Neverwinter
В момента играе: A dance with rogues
Заглавие: Beer tycoon...lol
Публикувано на: 19 Дек 2006 22:35

Снимки: http://tothegame.com/screenshot.asp?id=6141
Изискваният: Pentium III 733 MHz, 256MB RAM, graphic card 16MB, 500 MB HDD.
Описание: Gamers have numerous options in the game. They start with a handful of brewery buildings and try to build up to an international big brand corporation. For this, they have to manage all necessary things. From recruiting and marketing to the development of new products – and these are only a few of the many important tasks facing intending brewery managers.

Featuring highly detailed 3D graphics, the game offers the opportunity to enter the beer business as head of a micro brewery or a medium sized suburban brewery, or even enter the global competition managing a full-blown big brewery. These companies can consist of up to 21 different brewery building types. There are 50 ingredients one can brew the beer from, including various kinds of hops and malts, and even specialities like chilli and chocolate.

Теглене: http://zamunda.net/details.php?id=70022

Това вече е нещо уникално :lol: :lol: :lol:

A man was hospitalized with 6 plastic horses up his ass. The doctors described his condition as stable.

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Регистриран на:
14 Май 2004 18:33
Мнения: 2965
Местоположение: Лолиландия
В момента играе: Рефреш на PCM форума (epik high score!)
Публикувано на: 19 Дек 2006 22:45

Колега остави това, ти за Lemonade Tycoon чувал ли си? :lol:
Седиш и продваш лимонада 25 часа в денонощието :lol:

А за бирата - какъв е смисъла да си играеш на продавач на бира, кат' може да излезнеш навънка и да пийнеш бутилка-две истинска? ;)

ЕдИт: абре, с много правиписни грешки пиша бе, дееба!

"Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived." — Isaac Asimov.

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