___________________________________ The passions that drive us should be the ones we respect and admire. To feel contempt for one's own motivations is a vulgar thing.
Регистриран на:
29 Дек 2005 17:41 Мнения: 1829 Местоположение: The City of Ruse
Публикувано на: 31 Юли 2006 22:22
И взел парчето от огледалото...
___________________________________ И аз вече не знам защо още влизам в този форум...
___________________________________ The passions that drive us should be the ones we respect and admire. To feel contempt for one's own motivations is a vulgar thing.
взем парчето от огледалото и накълцал на парчета Дист и вече не го сърбяло
3 думи
___________________________________ Can you just live without dignity?...Gosh, you must be broken somehow.. It's watever when you don't know yourself! MyDeviantArt
Регистриран на:
05 Яну 2005 21:34 Мнения: 566
Публикувано на: 31 Юли 2006 22:50
и докато си тръгвал го засърбяли ташаците
3 думи
___________________________________ Go hard or go home.
___________________________________ The passions that drive us should be the ones we respect and admire. To feel contempt for one's own motivations is a vulgar thing.
Sick boy
Публикувано на: 01 Авг 2006 13:57
Но дошла (отново) прахосмукачката
___________________________________ Аз моята душа... май си я оставих в хладилника
а.к.а State of mind a.k.a Jamaican Herbman
Регистриран на:
05 Яну 2005 21:34 Мнения: 566
Публикувано на: 01 Авг 2006 15:14
и почнала да смуче нарязаните парчета месо
___________________________________ Go hard or go home.
___________________________________ Can you just live without dignity?...Gosh, you must be broken somehow.. It's watever when you don't know yourself! MyDeviantArt
___________________________________ The passions that drive us should be the ones we respect and admire. To feel contempt for one's own motivations is a vulgar thing.
___________________________________ Can you just live without dignity?...Gosh, you must be broken somehow.. It's watever when you don't know yourself! MyDeviantArt
___________________________________ The passions that drive us should be the ones we respect and admire. To feel contempt for one's own motivations is a vulgar thing.
Регистриран на:
27 Юли 2004 16:06 Мнения: 594 Местоположение: Santorini
___________________________________ The passions that drive us should be the ones we respect and admire. To feel contempt for one's own motivations is a vulgar thing.
___________________________________ Can you just live without dignity?...Gosh, you must be broken somehow.. It's watever when you don't know yourself! MyDeviantArt
___________________________________ The passions that drive us should be the ones we respect and admire. To feel contempt for one's own motivations is a vulgar thing.
Регистриран на:
27 Юли 2004 16:06 Мнения: 594 Местоположение: Santorini
Публикувано на: 02 Авг 2006 10:35
Зовът им бил неутолим. Смукачката изпадала в необратима и дълбока депресия ...
___________________________________ The passions that drive us should be the ones we respect and admire. To feel contempt for one's own motivations is a vulgar thing.
Вие не можете да пускате нови теми Вие не можете да отговаряте на теми Вие не можете да променяте собственото си мнение Вие не можете да изтривате собствените си мнения