Billy Wonka написа:
балон ти е главата с sli и crossfire почти на всичко изкарваш повече fps
Дeеба най-обичам наизуст да ми дрънкат...
After all, the HD 5770 is 1/2 of the HD 5870 from a technical standpoint, and is equipped with a slimmer memory bus, so at the very best, 2x HD 5770 you'd expect it to match, but not exceed the HD 5870.
2 x HD5770's roughly = a HD5870, a HD6950 is slightly faster that a HD5870 by about 10%, a HD6970 is then perhaps another 10-15% faster that a HD6950, so I'd say a HD6970 is roughly 25% faster that 2 x HD5770's.
PLUS, Crossfire/SLI always require compatibility with the games you're playing. If they're not compatible, you're stuck on one card.
If you own a recent PC, chances are unlikely that you don't have a power supply to handle these two cards in CrossFireX, but in case not, AMD recommends at least a 600W unit that delivers 75W to each 6-pin PCI-E connector.
mirror_edge написа:
А 2 различни мога ли да слагам смело? Тоест да сложа при 6950 и една 4670
и дали ще има смисъл? Защото така или иначе я имам на сегашния комп