Попаднах на доста добра Free MMO игра, базирана в космоса. Като структура управление на кораба търговия прилича досущ като " Freelancer ". Света наистина е огромен със възможност за откриване на нови места системи, също така в по напреднал етап и за създаване на клан който може да си купи собствена система .
Фракциите са две, едната е " Tyi - ( Tactical Yeomen Inhabitants ) "

" The Tyi-protectors were created after the first species wars and are the second superhuman species besides the Genides. Contrary to their genetically manipulated arch-enemies, they have completely devoted their bodies to cybernetics (at first as part of the project, later of their own will).
The trigger for the cybernetic project on Sabiador was its inhabitants' increasing fear of a retaliatory strike by the Genides that surpassed them both physically and mentally. The designation Tyi [pronounced Tai] is an abbreviation for Tactical Yeomen Inhabitants (T.Y.I.).
Almost a century after the creation of the first Tyi-protectors, the burning desire for independence awoke in this new human species that was already in the millions – it peaked in the so-called cybernetic exodus. Many of the Tyi created on Sabiador traveled through space and founded the now powerful colonies Atebathos, Murna and Irata IV.
The Tyi have superhuman strength and endurance. They are resistant to radiation, have independent bloodstreams as well as backup organs, speak all languages and are true multitaskers. They also gather and process data at an increased rate. "
Другата е " Genides "

"To better deal with the unusual and sometimes hostile environments in space and on the colonial planets, the colonists started long ago to manipulate selected test subjects physically and sometimes psychically. The initial successful experiments were probably carried out on colony ships shortly before the Second Diaspora. Depending on preference, the manipulations took the form of cybernetic implants, technological extremities and artificial organs, while others preferred to restrict their studies to the many possibilities of biogenetics.
The graceful Genides were the first of the two new human species to be created on Sabiador. They need virtually no sleep, their wounds heal quickly and they are capable of telepathic communication. Most of them are also resistant to illness, their thought processes are faster, they can hear in ultrasonic and infrasonic frequencies and have a long life expectancy.
After the first Species Wars and the expulsion of the Genides from Sabiador, six million refugees made their new home on the planet Delta Pavonis II (d-Pav II). The Genides renamed the planet Geneera and developed into a considerable commercial and economic power.
The new generation of Genides are aesthetically pleasing. Their heads and bodies are almost entirely hairless (apart from the eyebrows – retained for aesthetic reasons), as they consider body hair an evolutionary irrelevance.
Genid society is based on a feudal, pre-modern, aristocratic culture with a heavy emphasis on military organization in the face of the constant threats that it faces from the Jadd Baran and the Tyi. "
За сега съотношението във плеърите е в + към Tyi като може би на всеки Genides се падат по 2,3 Tyi. (което е + поне за мен).
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