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Дидко Бандитко
Регистриран на:
28 Сеп 2002 08:47
Мнения: 16976
В момента играе: No man's sky
Заглавие: Хорър филм с призраци
Публикувано на: 18 Мар 2010 17:20

Можете ли да ми препоръчате някой, който на вас ви е харесал? :)

И примерно да не е японски :roll:

[02:11:17] Алминатора: mejdu drugoto sym si mislel
[02:11:19] Алминатора: che imam leka forma
[02:11:22] Алминатора: na auizym ponqkoga :D


Регистриран на:
13 Юни 2008 18:10
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В момента играе: RL - worst game ever.
Заглавие: Re: Хорър филм с призраци
Публикувано на: 18 Мар 2010 18:07

Many people consider ghost stories the scariest type of horror movie. A good ghost film tends to be part murder mystery, part supernatural horror and all terrifying, the sort of movie to watch at night tucked safely under the covers -- next to your trusty baseball bat. Here are 25 spooky flicks worthy of taking a swing.

25. House (1986)

Although it's a horror-comedy, House has its share of scares, as my mid-'80s bed sheets will attest. It follows a horror novelist (William Katt) who moves into his recently deceased aunt's home, only to realize that it's haunted by all manner of ghouls and flying garden tools. Believe it or not, they're walking on air!
Смешен страшен филм 0о

24. Burnt Offerings (1976)

Seeing it play out like a hybrid of The Shining and The Amityville Horror (with an even darker ending), you realize how ahead-of-its-time Burnt Offerings was, coming three years before either of those films. In the movie, a family rents an old house for the summer, and guess what? It's haunted! Spookiness ensues.
Атмосфера, камера, класика.

23. Saint Ange (2004)

A bit convoluted and heavy-handed, this English-language French production nonetheless provides oodles of beautifully shot haunted house atmosphere. Released on DVD with the uninspiring title House of Voices, Saint Ange tells the tale of a young cleaning woman in 1950s France who gets a job tidying up a abandoned orphanage but finds that the children who died there have not left. Watching this film, you have to think that the makers of The Orphanage had seen it at least once.
aka "House of Voices". Разочарова ме. Но има и добри отзиви, знам ли...

22. Lady in White (1988)

Like The Wonder Years with an extra helping of murder and racism, Lady in White wraps nostalgia up in a complex supernatural mystery as a man relates the story of his ghostly childhood encounter while locked all night in his elementary school. The film achieves scares by masterfully placing you in the boy's shoes and recapturing all those childhood fears that you paid psychiatrists to help you forget.
aka "The Mystery of the Lady in White". Много... странен. По добрия начин. Версията, която гледах е черно-бяла, но повече бяла... дразнещо бяла и светла.

21. The Sentinel (1977)

While certainly not the best haunted house movie, this story about a model who moves into an apartment building that doubles as a gateway to Hell provides plenty of surreal, scary imagery, including a memorable scene in which the model finds her father walking around her apartment...dead.
Доброто срещу злото, класика. Гледа се поне два пъти, иначе пропускаш много незабележими подробности, които едва след като знаеш края се усещат.

20. Stir of Echoes (1999)

Its popularity suffered from being released just a few months after The Sixth Sense, but Stir of Echoes isn't as similar to that film as it was marketed. It tells the story of a man who begins to see the ghost of a girl after being hypnotized by a friend. His young son also has the "gift," but the kid's ability doesn't play as large a role as the kid in The Sixth Sense -- which is good, because Stir of Echoes is its own movie, featuring a well-written mystery and ample chills. And Kevin Bacon.
Гледаем, препоръчвам го ако ти се гледа нещо ново. Но и си струва, не лош филм.

19. Shutter (2004)

This Thai hit introduced little new to the realm of Asian ghost movies, but it handled the conventions incredibly well, piling frightful scene upon frightful scene as a vengeful ghost seeks payback against those who wronged her.
Финала съкс и дори е смешен. Кофти е, когато филма те приготвя и пържи за епик ендинг, а накрая ти набутва кур в устата.

18. House on Haunted Hill (1999)

One of the few horror movie remakes that managed to bring something new to the table, House on Haunted Hill transformed the campy original into a dark and twisted work with startling visuals (including clever use of video cameras) and, unlike most ghost movies, explicit gore.
Изтъркана история, добро филмче. Актьорите леко преиграват на моменти, друг път са прекалено хладнокръвни... ама атмосфера има. Става за гледане.

17. What Lies Beneath (2000)

A sort of supernatural homage to Hitchcock, What Lies Beneath is a slick, big-budget production about a woman (Michelle Pfeiffer) who begins to think that her house is haunted by the ghost of her next-door neighbor. It has the classic feel of an old-fashioned murder mystery with the added fright factor of the ghost of the victim returning from her watery grave.
Комерсиален трилър. Препоръчвам го, ако си падаш по блокбъстирите с холивудски звезди в ролите.

16. 1408 (2007)

This Stephen King adaptation mines some of the same terror as his other haunted hotel film, The Shining, presenting an otherworldly anything-can-happen fright-fest that pulls the rug out from under you so many times that you never trust that everything will be OK.
Добра адаптация по Кинг. А това говори много.

15. Candyman (1992)

A ghost story bordering on slasher, Candyman brilliantly mines the fear inherent in urban legends and campfire tales in this story of a Bloody Mary-ish ghost who appears if you say his name into a mirror three times. Unlike Bloody Mary, though, he has a hook for a hand.
Не е страшен, но е интересен и абсурдно ретро. Края е ужасТен.

14. The Haunting (1963)

This old-fashioned ghost story about experts investigating a haunted house delivers scares without the sight of a single ghost. Instead, director Robert Wise expertly manipulates sounds and shadows to convey the sense of being surrounded by malevolent forces. Even in black and white, The Haunting still manages to have an impact today -- much more so than the bland 1999 remake.
Страшен. За разлика от римейка си. По-добре не гледай никой, отлкокото римейка.

13. The Orphanage (2007)

In this Spanish film, a woman returns to live in the orphanage from which she was adopted but begins to suspect that it's haunted. Her fears are compounded when her son goes missing. Gut-wrenching and heartfelt, The Orphanage exemplifies the power of emotional investment in building up cinematic scares.
Много силен филм, доста приятно ме изненада. А и е нов, та не може да се оплакваш от качеството на картината. Да се гледа обезателно.

12. Poltergeist (1982)

It's easy to forget how scary this PG-rated movie about a suburban family's house haunting was in its day, especially to little kids with clown dolls in their rooms.
Описват го като мега страшен филм, но не това е ситуацията в момента. Интересен, все пак, но не страшен. Според мен прехвален.

11. The Eye (2002)

This entry from Hong Kong eschews the now-standard long-haired ghost woman scenario for a more unique story of a woman whose corneal transplants leave her with the ability to see ghosts -- some nicer than others. Despite the less stylized, more "realistic" spirits, The Eye had its share of terrifying moments, the elevator scene in particular a slice of genius.
Aka Gin gwai. Гледаем, може да ти допадне.

10. Al Final del Espectro (2006)

Sort of a Columbian version of an Asian horror movie, Al Final del Espectro features the familiar female ghost with long, dark, stringy hair, this time in a Columbian setting. The film presents the intriguing scenario of an agoraphobic woman whose new apartment is haunted, meaning she must decide whether it's worse to stay in her comfort zone with a ghost or venture out into the non-haunted public world. A remake starring Nicole Kidman is slated for 2010.

9. The Others (2001)

The Others mines the vintage gothic setting of a World War II-era mansion for spooky thrills in this tale of a mother and her two young photosensitive children stuck in their house as they await the return of their soldier father. Of course, the house just happens to be haunted. Marvelously paced with a delicious twist ending, this is the kind of high-end cinema that appeals to viewers who don't even like horror movies.
Класическа история, модерна визия. Добър комерсиален филм.

8. Ju-on: The Grudge (2003)

If Ringu introduced much of the world to the "yūrei" figure (the long-haired Japanese female ghost), then Ju-on: The Grudge took it to a new level of fear by making her more animalistic, sadistic, unstoppable, irredeemable and really, really clingy.
По някакви причини стана популярен, мен ме дразни.

7. The Changeling (1980)

A recent widower (George C. Scott) moves into -- you guessed it -- a spooky old house that turns out to be haunted. In this case, the ghost is a young, sickly boy whose wheelchair and ball lend some classic scares as the man unweaves the tangled, tragic mystery behind the boy's death.
Филма е имба.

6. The Amityville Horror (1979)

This iconic haunted house flick was savaged by critics, but despite some over-the-top acting, it stands up well to contemporary supernatural fare like The Omen and The Shining, aided by its eerie "moaning children's chorus" score and classic bits like "invisible friends" talking to kids, bleeding walls and disembodied voices yelling "Get out!" You wouldn't have to tell me twice...
Всички разправяха, че е по истинска история... много добър филм.

5. The Sixth Sense (1999)

Like Lady in White, The Sixth Sense generates scares by putting you in the position of a helpless child who discovers that there really are monsters in his closet...and under his bed...and hanging from his ceiling. Its now-clichéd "I see dead people" line and well-worn twist ending make people forget how many terrifying moments the film has: the tent scene, the boy who wants to show him his father's gun, the hanged ghosts, the angry closet ghost and more.
Писах з аняколко филма, че края им е зле... е на този края му е епикнес.

4. The Ring (2002)

Perhaps the only Hollywood remake of an Asian horror movie so far to improve upon the original, The Ring haunted us with jaw-dropping visuals (pun intended -- see the opening scene) and introduced America at large to the "yūrei" ghost figure that would be featured in dozens more Asian horror films.
Гледа се.

3. Session 9 (2001)

It's debatable what exactly the "presence" is in this movie -- ghost, demonic force, swamp gas -- but whatever it is, its impact is creepy with a capital CREEP. In the film, a group of hazmat workers cleaning up asbestos in an abandoned mental hospital encounter a malevolent force. One of the workers begins listening to audio tapes of psychiatric "sessions" with a former patient, and by the time he gets to session 9, every hair on your body will be standing on end.
Много добър и често подценяван филм.

2. The Blair Witch Project (1999)

Cheap and simple yet ingeniously executed (and marketed), The Blair Witch Project is a documentary-styled first-person account of the search for the legendary spirit of a witch rumored to haunt a forest in rural Maryland. The mind-numbing scares lie in the realism of the film, which features mostly improvised dialogue, natural lighting, shaky camerawork and spooky ambient noise that truly epitomizes the phrase "things that go bump in the night."
Плаши и порастнали деца, защото изглежда прекалено реален. Да се гледа.

1. The Shining (1980)

Almost every haunted house movie seems to have a scene in which the evilness of the building is touted in dramatic tones, but rarely do the manifestations of the evil live up to the legend. The Shining has no such letdown. Its iconic imagery, courtesy of legendary director Stanley Kubrick, is nightmare-inducing even if you haven't seen the film for years. Amazingly, it even rivals the Stephen King novel upon which it was based in terms of pure terror. Redrum!
И наградата за най-добър актьор отива при...

*Ползвал съм списък от about.com

*Правилно правиш тема за хорър филми, защото оценките им винаги са сериозно занижени и няма как да намериш добре приети по сайтовете. Просто феновете на жанра са малко и другите башват иначе стабилни филми от неразбиране.

*Забелязал съм, че книгите могат да са в пъти по-страшни от филмите. Прочети някоя страшна книжка. Ако не знаеш коя - пусни тема, ще я наспамя добре.

What's a real girl? Is it something fap-able?


Дидко Бандитко
Регистриран на:
28 Сеп 2002 08:47
Мнения: 16976
В момента играе: No man's sky
Заглавие: Re: Хорър филм с призраци
Публикувано на: 18 Мар 2010 22:18

Мерси за списъка! :)

Ами може и книжка по-нататък да прочета, но просто ще имам мероприятие с участието на хорър филм и затова така :lol:

Ще ги прегледам за какво става дума от тези филми и се надявам класацията да се покрива с твоето мнение :)

[02:11:17] Алминатора: mejdu drugoto sym si mislel
[02:11:19] Алминатора: che imam leka forma
[02:11:22] Алминатора: na auizym ponqkoga :D


но с големо съ̀рце
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14 Май 2005 18:21
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В момента играе: A dance with rogues
Заглавие: Re: Хорър филм с призраци
Публикувано на: 18 Мар 2010 23:29

Rose red по Кинг.

A man was hospitalized with 6 plastic horses up his ass. The doctors described his condition as stable.

Профил Skype

Дидко Бандитко
Регистриран на:
28 Сеп 2002 08:47
Мнения: 16976
В момента играе: No man's sky
Заглавие: Re: Хорър филм с призраци
Публикувано на: 23 Мар 2010 14:02

Гледах сиянието

Невероятен Джак Никълсън!!!!! ГОЛЯМ актьор! Такива физиономии и изражения много малко хора могат да ги правят!

Иначе филма ми беше малко скучен и муден - действията се развиваха много бавно.

Негъря умря яко 8)

[02:11:17] Алминатора: mejdu drugoto sym si mislel
[02:11:19] Алминатора: che imam leka forma
[02:11:22] Алминатора: na auizym ponqkoga :D


The King of Kings
Регистриран на:
26 Дек 2002 14:16
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Заглавие: Re: Хорър филм с призраци
Публикувано на: 28 Мар 2010 18:45

13 Призрака е добър. Готика също, ако не се лъжа.

az se nadqvam planeta turneto da e ludnica taq godina!

Профил ICQ

Регистриран на:
21 Мар 2002 19:51
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Заглавие: Re: Хорър филм с призраци
Публикувано на: 29 Мар 2010 10:34

Каспър! :lol:

Иначе и римейка на The Amityville Horror(2005 мисля) е доста добре направен. Един от малкото филми, който в последните години са карали космите на краката ми да настръхват :lol:

Гипчо ( ◕ Y ◕ )


Заглавие: Re: Хорър филм с призраци
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2010 13:26

Dead SIlence,Gnqv 1 i 2,Boo,Магьосникът-мистерия по-скоро но е добър филм....Haunting in COnnecticut,Trick r Treat.....teq dfilmite bivat za gledane

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