Заглавие: В пристъп на депресия :D Публикувано на: 14 Юни 2011 16:10
Неска имах много кофти тест, поради отсъствието на алкохол реших да си облекча агресията с писане, та ако можете да дадете мнение (дори и грубо) давайте смело.
A life thats full of pain and trash, a life deleted in a muzzle flash,
As light withdrwas its forces back, the dusk prepars to attack,
And you alone stand in the field, just thinking should I fight or should I yield,
You gaze again in ages past, for memories that cut like glass,
The fight seems pointless all the time, with goals obscured by desperation's slime,
And yet you live and yet you fight, for what you think is yours by right,
Who knows, perhaps one day, youll find your chunk of peace and say
" I didn't fall I didn't crack, despite all that blocked my track,
And now, that all is done, now that pain is gone
Perhaps I can exist in hope, and not end up on a rope"
___________________________________ Olim bonum nec malum est cognitionis principium.