Това е Ф-18, но бройката ще да е близка
Ето Eurofighter-a
A това май е Super hornet-a, т.е. по-добър ф-18
Не разбирам много, имам малко познания за самолетите от няколко игри, но да кажем, че бройката е около 10 пъти по-малко.
edit: eto ti naprawo f-16
http://asiadefence.files.wordpress.com/ ... falcon.jpgИ инфо от уикиепдия
The F-16 is equipped with an M61 Vulcan 20 mm cannon in the left wing root, and early models could be armed with up to six AIM-9 Sidewinder heat-seeking short-range air-to-air missiles (AAM), including a single missile mounted on a dedicated rail launcher on each wingtip. Some variants can also employ the AIM-7 Sparrow long-range radar-guided AAM, and more recent versions can be equipped with the AIM-120 AMRAAM. It can also carry other AAM; a wide variety of air-to-ground missiles, rockets or bombs; electronic countermeasures (ECM), navigation, targeting or weapons pods; and fuel tanks on eleven hardpoints – six under the wings, two on wingtips and three under the fuselage.