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Регистриран на:
26 Юли 2003 18:19
Мнения: 183
Местоположение: Elysium.
Публикувано на: 01 Юни 2004 00:10

Знам, че сме малко хора! Можеш да викнеш някой, събирай хора! Ако никой не дойде-колкото толкова!!


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Регистриран на:
16 Мар 2003 19:50
Мнения: 349
Публикувано на: 01 Юни 2004 22:23

Това не е ХИП-ХОП и във всички случей не е добро ,но какво пък ,нека се пробвам.

The dead time

Walk in the shadow
walk in the rain
walk in the darknes
of the black dead time.

Die in the shadow
die in vain
die of the knife
in the mather fucking head.

Hei!I see the Grim reaper
with a cold steel
and his dead body
in the and of the time.

He is here ,to get me soul
he is here ,to take mе out
of the bloody corpse which
is me,me,me.

And so we go out
and lose in cold time
the time of blood
the restles time.

But don't wore
we will be together
together forevar
in the bloody hell.

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.


Регистриран на:
26 Юли 2003 18:19
Мнения: 183
Местоположение: Elysium.
Заглавие: ..let me introduce myself to ya...
Публикувано на: 03 Юни 2004 18:06

Traun това дето си го написал не е Хип-Хоп, но поне да се римуваше! Атентатор готов ли си за battle с мен?

Atentator let me go first
I haven't rap for two months
and I feel thirst, don't worry, I won't curse you
I'm here to diss everybody who talks behind my back
everybody who says I'm fag
you forgot me but I'm not dead
I'm back, I lack experience but I'm back
people think all the things I said are not a real fact
but that's the truth I'm bad
and this is history fact
all you people can't you realize
that I'm actually doin' this in real life
let me introduce myself to ya
my name is wicked spirit
and you beter hear this and percieve it
cuz when i spit it you tried to analyze split it
I'm wicked I'll destroy your life and shit it
I'm spirit you better admire me and fear it
or you and your friend will tell me what's in the coffin in it.

Това ми хрумна днес по пътя за училище, не е от най дългите, ама айде!
Ако искате да си даваме оценки, а? Да речем казвате какво не ви харесва и какво ви харесва и давате оценка примерно 6/10, като 10/10 е най-високата и най-желаната, разбира се! :)


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Регистриран на:
30 Мар 2004 17:39
Мнения: 272
Местоположение: location: У гъзЪ на геЙографията!;) function: "clean the street" master
Публикувано на: 03 Юни 2004 19:10

Хе-хе, уикед, хубав подпис, но си доста назад с материала. Не е зле да добавиш преди Мат, да демон бях Mat, the demon, преди това бях Mat, а още преди това, но не в този форум бях Madd_master. Та това е! :wink:


Забравих - бях и SargeraS! :wink:

...и нито един човек, демон или ангел няма да остане невредим...

Human_Paun4o написа:
Ne sam rasist,obijdate me! :x Az daje sam protiv rasizma,mangalite,negrite i drugite podobni jUvotni!


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Заглавие: Checking 1,2,3.....
Публикувано на: 05 Юни 2004 15:20

От Wicked разбрах за форума и ше взема и аз да се пробвам:

Fame or glory
do you need to worry
when your life is blurry
your hands are bloody
and the shit is surely
not the only thing to waste
my fight yesterday left a bad taste in my mouth
no need to say how to do it
four beers today and you actin' stupid
never thought about love and culture
forever bought only cheap coats and weak structures
ready to crumble on top of our heads
when time comes we gonna stumble in front of the feds
this is short but there will be longer
as long as I have food to feed my hunger
and keep goin in a straight line
and not worrin to give the beggars a dime


Регистриран на:
26 Юли 2003 18:19
Мнения: 183
Местоположение: Elysium.
Публикувано на: 05 Юни 2004 16:18

Айде Atentator идвай да римуваме!!! Аз давам topic и topic-a е Bulgaria.

Aз съм първи:

How would you feel if you live with no future
going to school and finding that your own teacher doesn't have culture
and they are tryin to teach you
if you say somethin wrong they're lookin you like vulture
ready to fly by and burst your head off
everything is developing good until you graduate high school
then you remember that once you wanted to be a merchent
start lookin for a job, common urgent
but you cannot come up with something new
you're also in this hopeless afair
sittin in your chair watchin the news
and your actions are none
you don't wanna go out and help you're dum
I'm not a pro but I can see your future in the cristal ball
and I can predict your miserable life
if your twenty you'll live till you get eighty
and we all are dying here, there is no birth rate
then you also die sadly and latly
the next ten years everybody will forget you
people will spit and say they hate you
did I introduce you well enough
oh, yes, never play you're toughf
cuz you might lie in your own blood and cough blood
does it sound good enough to live here
no people, no cheers
only nightmares and fears
for everybody who doesn't wanna hear
the reality will tear you apart with it's claws
and devour you with it's jaws
so common ya'll here me
leave the place until it's time folks
and never return there is no hope
cuz Bulgaria will swallow your souls.

Айде Paw my buddy it's your turn! К'во мислите?!


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Публикувано на: 05 Юни 2004 18:44

Ха-ха айде да ви видим са а макар и със закъснение (само че Wicked ше измизляш нещо на момента а не да пускаш стари творби така се губи ефекта от нещата):

Bulgaria is the only place
where people don't have a place
to live and feed their children
they don't even have money for funeral
the taxes are high and go up every year
this creates anger in everybody's ear
see my point that's why I want to leave
that's why after couple of years we will be extinct
what more can I tell that my mail is always full with bills to pay
shamelesly from what our country has transformed
some years in the past even America feared us most
nobody could step on our finger of course
we were one of the best in Europe not false
but now we are the worst
the government didn't care until they threatened to kill our brothers and sisters
they shouted to them curses and whispers
that they killed their kids with infected injection tipers
fuck democracy fuck your mission
I see know why it has come to this depression
what would happen if USA had people in prison
humiliated,beaten and framed with no reason
I just don't have more words
if I continue to speak I would double the absurds
that is what the politics would say to me
quiet you fool you want them to die because of you and me
no Wicked and Paw don't like your tone
silent democracy my ass
while we talk they beat them bone by bone
we could finish this fast
but you tripped and now we can't even hear them on the phone
is sometin wrong with your motherfuckin brain
while you sleep in your fancy house they feel ashamed
that their country didn't protect them
cause the government thought silence is the best plan
and suddenly even the people are criminals
cause they want to say what's on their mind and get nothin but serials
is this the world you would want to live man
where even if you pray to God to save your women and men
you get chased and aclaimed as terrorists in one day


Заглавие: Предложение
Публикувано на: 05 Юни 2004 19:01

Имам една идея и искам всички да кажат кво мислят.Защо да не определим ден и час в който да се връзват всички така че да не се разминаваме а да можем и да правим по някой Battle.Кво мислите? :roll:


Регистриран на:
12 Юни 2004 17:59
Мнения: 19
Местоположение: do detskata gradina
Заглавие: "vsiaka godina po sqshtoto vreme"
Публикувано на: 12 Юни 2004 19:14

otminavat dni.idvat drugi. i se pitam kakvo e tova neshto pqtiat deto triabva da se izmine.
pqt li e,pqteka li e,tunel li e,rqkav li e,labirint li e,koridor li e,potochna linia lie,
biagashta pqteka li e(kato tezi vqv fitnes zalite),bumerang li e,ili pqk e samo nomer na iliuzionist
"pfufff i zaycehto go nima a na negovo miasto samo konfeti"
triabva li da se izminava vqobshte?
Kolkoto poveche se stremia kqm dalechinata,tolkova po-nedostijima mi se vidi.
tolkova po-sqmnitelni mi izglejdat neshtata 'ne podlejashti na sqmnenie'.
neshtata koito na sqmnenia podlejat mi izglejdat po-pravdopodbni.
veroiatno zashtoto niama na kqde poveche da izglejdat 'ne'.
I ne che e miraj dalechinata,ama moje pqk az da sqm miraja na tva deto e v dalechinata.znam li?
ama miraja shte trqgne li da tqrsi sqzdatelia si?
ne sqm ubeden,ne sqm siguren,niamam utvqrdeno mnenie.
Kato pravia niakoy test (ot tezi v spisaniata) ne vlizam v nito edna grafa.
e kak da gi priemam kato zabavlenie togava :)
sqmnenieto e vqzduha koyto disham ne po svoe jelanie.disham go i po svoe.
ama to koe e moe jelanie i koe ne e?Znam li.
za da go izbegna shte triabva da izliaza ot igrata.
ta se pitam triabva li da izliaza ot igrata ili ne?
Abe vqprosa krqji okolo moiata sigurnost
oshte ot vremeto kogato neia ia niamashe obosobena kato takava.
ta se chudia ,togava vqprosqt vqpros li e bil ili e bil otgovor.

Аз съм само един минувач

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