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Заглавие: Продавам колекционерски-ориентиран Battle.net ( WoW ) акаунт
Публикувано на: 20 Апр 2013 12:51

Продавам внимателно обгрижвания си WoW ( World of Warcraft ) account, или по-скоро целия Battle.net account. Пуснах го вече като темичка и в един чуждестранен форум за продажби, но реших да пробвам и в България, разбира се, на понижена цена. Account-а е колекционерски и achievement ориентиран, ето и пълното описание, което пуснах на английски в другия форум. Не ми се занимава да го превеждам на БГ цялото, тъй като ако сте заинтересован от закупуването на такъв account, английския няма да ви е проблем.


Reasons for sale:

Reasons are pretty straightforward. Been playing the game for a long time, with a couple of breaks, but I always ended up returning and carrying on with the completist quest. I'm guessing, since you're reading this post, you pretty much know what it all entails - having as many mounts/pets/achievements/feats/reputations/legendaries/vanity items as possible. I actually thought I'd never sell my account and part ways with WoW, but I really feel like I have to do this now. The game has become too addictive, and I am way past the point of it being "pleasantly addictive". Especially with my propensity to collect.


General overview of the account:

1. Diablo III Collector's Edition license ( so I can get the exclusive WoW pet, of course - I collect pets too )

2. Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty Collector's Edition license ( same reason )

3. Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm Collector's Edition license ( same reason )

4. World of Warcraft

4a. World of Warcraft Vanilla Normal license ( too bad I didn't get into collecting before Wrath started, or I would have grabbed a CE Vanilla license too - they are outlandishly rare and expensive now )

4b. World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade Collector's Edition license ( two exclusive pets for EU accounts )

4c. World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Normal license

4d. World of Warcraft Cataclysm Collector's Edition license ( the pet, of course )

4c. World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Collector's Edition license ( sigh... mount and pet here )

The account has about 20 days of playtime left. I am using the mobile version of the authenticator ( mainly for the pet, never had an intrusion of any sort, since I keep my machine squeaky clean and rarely ever install new stuff ) to protect it.


WoW characters:

Before things dipped into the account-wide pool, I was obsessed with the idea of having only one character, so I can achieve as much as possible with him, instead of dividing my attention between a lot of alts.

The account has 2 main characters and about 3-4 level 1 bank alts, situated at various key locations.

1. Level 90 troll assassination rogue ( my main char )

Masked Armory Link: WoW Armory Alternative - Nameless Armory Profiles.

2. Level 86 draenei paladin ( I levelled this one up mainly so I can farm for Sulfuras and Shadowmourne, to add those to my legendary collection )


Specializations and gear:

1. Assassination Rogue - 516 ilvl of PvE gear ( 8/12 Throne of Thunder normal - core raider, currently working on Dark Animus ), fully enchanted, gemmed and reforged

PvP gear - not much of a PvP-er, though I do have a lot of PvP achievements scored, got a few items from the 5.1 Season.

2. Protection Paladin - still levelling up, mainly blues from dungeons, since I never did any quests after I hit level 15 - only levelled this one thru dungeons

Real time screenshots of the gear and chars will be made and sent out to the interested parties over Skype/email. Just so you make sure that I really have those characters and they are who I say they are, I can go to any location of your liking and make the screenshot there, while also saying something in gchat, for instance. Entirely up to you.



1. Troll rogue

1a. Mining ( maxed out )

1b. Engineering ( maxed out, and completist-grade: I have every (!) schematic in the game, including some extremely rare ones )

1c. First aid ( maxed out )

1d. Cooking ( maxed out, every recipe in the game available )

1e. Fishing ( maxed out )

1f. Archaeology ( maxed out, all rare drop mounts, pets and vanity items )

2. Draenei paladin - no professions


Achievements and feats of strength:

1. Achievement points - 17805 ( 1678/1937 achievements completed ), 11th place on the realm in terms of achievement points.

2. Feats of strength - 57 ( will provide a full list with screenshots, if interested )



Reputations at Exalted - 73

The Tillers - Best friends with everyone

Nat Pagle - Best friends

Mists of Pandaria factions:

999/1000 Exalted with everyone but Shado-pan Assault ( 7829 honored with them )

Cataclysm factions:

999/1000 Exalted with all factions

Wrath of the Lich King factions:

999/1000 Exalted with all factions ( Oracles at Exalted )

The Burning Crusade factions:

999/1000 Exalted with all factions ( The Aldor at Exalted )

I have the Hero of Shattrath feat of strength, having levelled up both The Aldor and The Scryers to Exalted

Vanilla factions:

999/1000 Exalted with all factions

Notable classic unobtainable factions at Exalted:

Argent Dawn, Shen'dralar, Zandalari tribe

PvP factions:

Frostwolf clan - 999/1000 Exalted

The Defilers - 2672/21000 Revered

Warsong Outriders - 1858/3000 Neutral

Guild reputation: 999/1000 Exalted ( level 25 guild )


Legendary weapons:

Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
Warglaives of Azzinoth ( both )
Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury
Golad, Twilight of Aspects & Tiriosh, Nightmare of Ages


Titles: 59

Notable ones:

The Insane
The Relic Hunter
The Beloved
Bloodsail Admiral
Master of the Ways
Seeker of Knowledge


Mounts ( my favorite part ):

My collection currently comprises 221 mounts ( that's what my mount journal on my main rogue says ). Since he is Horde, and my paladin is Alliance, I also have all the alliance faction mounts, and they do not count towards my horde counter. All in all, I have about 275-280 mounts altogether on the account.

Mounts: 221 ( Number 1 on my realm - yes, that's right )

Notable mounts ( I won't be listing reputation/faction/quest mounts, since I have them all ):

All Argent Tournament mounts
All Darkmoon Faire mounts
Albino Drake ( 50 mounts collected achievement )
Amani Battle Bear ( the new version, Zul'Aman speed run )
Armored Razzashi Raptor ( the new version, rare drop from Bloodlord Mandokir )
Ashes of Al'ar ( rare drop from Kael'thas Sunstrider in the Eye )
Azure Drake ( rare drop from Malygos, the Eye of Eternity )
Big Battle Bear ( rare TCG mount )
Big Blizzard Bear ( very rare mount, award from Blizzcon 2008 )
Black Drake ( Sartharion drop )
Black Primal Raptor ( Primal Egg drop on the new Isle of Giants )
Black War Bear ( achievement For The Horde! )
Blazing Drake ( extremely low drop from Deathwing )
Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher ( Glory of the Icecrown Raider 10m )
Blue Drake ( rare Malygos drop )
Blue Proto-Drake ( rare drop from Skadi the Ruthless, Utgarde Pinnacle )
Celestial Steed ( Blizzard store )
Corrupted Firehawk ( Glory of the Firelands Raider )
Crimson Cloud Serpent ( Glory of the Pandaria Hero )
Crimson Deathcharger ( Shadowmourne final quest reward )
Dark Phoenix ( Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Raider )
Drake of the East Wind ( Glory of the Cataclysm Raider )
Drake of the North Wind ( rare drop from Altairus )
Flying Carpet ( Tailoring mount, I specifically levelled up Tailoring to get it - currently unusable, because I switched Tailoring for Engineering )
Fossilized Raptor ( rare drop from Archaeology )
Frosty Flying Carpet ( Tailoring mount, I specifically levelled up Tailoring to get it - currently unusable, because I switched Tailoring for Engineering )
Grand Black War Mammoth ( very low drop chance from Vault of Archavon bosses )
Great Brewfest Kodo ( rare drop from the seasonal boss Coren Direbrew )
Green Primal Raptor ( Primal Egg drop on the new Isle of Giants )
Green Proto-Drake ( rare egg drop from The Oracles )
Heart of the Aspects ( Blizzard store )
Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher ( Glory of the Icecrown Raider 25m )
Imperial Quilen ( Mists of Pandaria Collector's Edition exclusive mount )
Ironbound Proto-Drake ( Glory of the Ulduar Raider 25m )
Jade Pandaren Kite ( 150 mounts achievement )
Jade Panther ( Jewelcrafting mount )
Kor'kron Annihilator ( Level 25 Guild )
Life-Binder's Handmaiden ( rare drop from Deathwing Heroic only )
Magnificent Flying Carpet ( Tailoring mount, I specifically levelled up Tailoring to get it - currently unusable, because I switched Tailoring for Engineering )
Mechano-hog ( Engineering mount )
Mottled Drake ( rare TCG mount )
Onyxian Drake ( super rare drop from Onyxia )
Phosphorescent Stone Drake ( drops from rare mob Aeonaxx in Deepholm )
Pureblood Firehawk ( rare drop from Ragnaros in Firelands )
Raven Lord ( rare drop from Anzu in Sethekk Halls )
Red Flying Cloud ( technically, a reputation mount, but still, the only one of its kind )
Red Dragonhawk ( 100 mounts achievement )
Red Primal Raptor ( Primal Egg drop on the new Isle of Giants )
Red Proto-Drake ( Glory of the Hero )
Red Qiraji Battle Tank ( very rare drop from Ahn'Qiraj trash, only usable in AQ, grants a feat of strength )
Riding Turtle ( rare TCG mount )
Rivendare's Deathcharger ( rare drop from Rivendare in Stratholme )
Ruby Panther ( Jewelcrafting mount )
Rusted Proto-Drake ( Glory of the Ulduar Raider 10m )
Sandstone Drake ( Alchemy mount )
Sapphire Panther ( Jewelcrafting mount )
Spectral Wind Rider ( Scroll of Resurrection mount )
Subdued Seahorse ( drops from Poseidus in Vashj'ir )
Sunstone Panther ( Jewelcrafting mount )
Swift Brewfest Ram ( rare drop from Coren Direbrew )
Swift Lovebird ( Love is in the Air )
Swift Razzashi Raptor ( rare drop from old Zul'Gurub boss Bloodlord Mandokir, unobtainable right now )
Swift Shorestrider ( rare TCG mount )
Swift Springstrider ( Noblegarden )
Swift White Hawkstrider ( rare drop from Kael'thas in Magisters' Terrace )
Swift Windsteed ( Blizzard store )
Swift Zulian Panther ( rare drop from new Zul'Gurub boss Kilnara )
Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent ( a very rare mount dropping from Alani )
Time-Lost Proto-Drake ( drops from the rare mob with the same name )
Turbo-Charged Flying Machine ( Engineering mount )
Twilight Drake ( Sartharion 25 man )
Twilight Harbinger ( Glory of the Dragon Soul Raider )
Tyrael's Charger ( A year-long WoW promotion, not available anymore )
Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank ( ultra rare drop from Tol'vir Archaeology )
Venomhide Ravasaur ( 20 day long questline )
Violet Proto-Drake ( What a Strange, Long Trip It's Been achievement, minimum a year to complete )
Vitreous Stone Drake ( rare drop from Slabhide in Stonecore )
Volcanic Stone Drake ( Glory of the Cataclysm Hero )
White Polar Bear ( very low drop from daily quests in Storm Peaks )
Winged Guardian ( Blizzard store )
X-51 Nether Rocket X-TREME ( very rare TCG flying mount )
X-51 Nether Rocket ( the blue version of the above mount )
X-53 Touring Rocket ( kickass two-seater mount from the previous Recruit-a-Friend program, unobtainable anymore )

Any of the above mounts can be showcased for you in a screenshot, if you are interested. Reaching 5.3 will instantly grant you yet another mount reward from the 200 mounts achievement.



Pets are as important to me as mounts are, so I haven't been slacking on collecting them either. MoP introduced pet battles though, which came with tons of wildlife pets to capture, and I haven't really gotten all of them yet. Prior to MoP, I used to have all ingame pets available, plus quite a few TCG ones and all the Blizzard store ones ( including the plushie pets ). And of course, all Blizzcon pets excluding Murky from 2005, as well as the exclusive pets from having all those Collector Editions from Section 1 in this review. Sorting and listing all the pets will prove to be a herculean task, so I opted for a short summary instead. I have the Living Sandling pet from the Throne of Thunder, as well as the ultra rare Darkmoon Rabbit from the rabbit killer boss on Darkmoon Island. Oh, and of course, all seasonal holiday pets, including Ahune's and Apothecary Trio.

Most of the pets that I don't have are wild ones, easily capturable, I just didn't have the time to stretch on that front too. Enquire about a specific pet, if interested, and I will showcase it, if I have it ( chances are I do ).


Gold on the account:

About 15k on my rogue and 2-3k on my pally. Not worth mentioning though, since I might need it for flasks/enchants in the meantime, depending on how long it's gonna take to sell the account.


Vanity items:

I do fancy collecting fun vanity items as well. Got most of the items from the new MoP rares ( the ones I considered worth farming for ), as well as all archaeology ones and a ton of transformation items. Enquire about anything specific if interested.


Price of the account and payment methods allowed:

Price: 300 €

Payment methods: Cash Face-to-Face


Contact information:

Skype name - ionicles ( recommended - I never turn off my PC, and Skype is constantly running, so you can reach me anytime during day hours )

e-mail - brantia@abv.bg ( I check this one a few times a day )

PM in the forum



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Заглавие: Re: Продавам колекционерски-ориентиран Battle.net ( WoW ) ак
Публикувано на: 26 Авг 2013 14:47

Здрасти, прочетох внимателно всичко което написа и се извинявам за закъснелия отговор. Мисля че ще ти е от полза да се запознаеш с политиката във връзка с покупко-продажбите на УОУ акаунти в нашия форум:

Ghost reporting!

Профил ICQ

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Заглавие: Re: Продавам колекционерски-ориентиран Battle.net ( WoW ) ак
Публикувано на: 27 Авг 2013 14:36

С по-голям успех и за повече пари ще успееш да продадеш единия си бъбрек.

жената трябва да прави само 70 неща - 69 и мусака
...master freakout...
...the world is full of shit...


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Заглавие: Re: Продавам колекционерски-ориентиран Battle.net ( WoW ) ак
Публикувано на: 28 Авг 2013 08:05

Да ти го дам ли аз да ти го дам ли? :oops:


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Заглавие: Re: Продавам колекционерски-ориентиран Battle.net ( WoW ) ак
Публикувано на: 30 Авг 2013 18:07

Бахти пича как се е подготвил!

Where The Eagles Fly I Will Soon Be There

Профил Skype

Заглавие: Re: Продавам колекционерски-ориентиран Battle.net ( WoW ) ак
Публикувано на: 18 Дек 2013 07:29

Most of the pets that I don't have are wild ones, easily capturable, I just didn't have the time to stretch on that front too. Enquire about a specific pet, if interested, and I will showcase it, if I have it ( chances are I do ).




Горд Пролетарий
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Заглавие: Re: Продавам колекционерски-ориентиран Battle.net ( WoW ) ак
Публикувано на: 18 Дек 2013 12:09

AdmiralGeneralVasko написа:
ionicle написа:
Продавам внимателно обгрижвания си WoW ( World of Warcraft ) account, или по-скоро целия Battle.net account. Пуснах го вече като темичка и в един чуждестранен форум за продажби, но реших да пробвам и в България, разбира се, на понижена цена. Account-а е колекционерски и achievement ориентиран, ето и пълното описание, което пуснах на английски в другия форум. Не ми се занимава да го превеждам на БГ цялото, тъй като ако сте заинтересован от закупуването на такъв account, английския няма да ви е проблем.


Reasons for sale:

Reasons are pretty straightforward. Been playing the game for a long time, with a couple of breaks, but I always ended up returning and carrying on with the completist quest. I'm guessing, since you're reading this post, you pretty much know what it all entails - having as many mounts/pets/achievements/feats/reputations/legendaries/vanity items as possible. I actually thought I'd never sell my account and part ways with WoW, but I really feel like I have to do this now. The game has become too addictive, and I am way past the point of it being "pleasantly addictive". Especially with my propensity to collect.


General overview of the account:

1. Diablo III Collector's Edition license ( so I can get the exclusive WoW pet, of course - I collect pets too )

2. Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty Collector's Edition license ( same reason )

3. Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm Collector's Edition license ( same reason )

4. World of Warcraft

4a. World of Warcraft Vanilla Normal license ( too bad I didn't get into collecting before Wrath started, or I would have grabbed a CE Vanilla license too - they are outlandishly rare and expensive now )

4b. World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade Collector's Edition license ( two exclusive pets for EU accounts )

4c. World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Normal license

4d. World of Warcraft Cataclysm Collector's Edition license ( the pet, of course )

4c. World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Collector's Edition license ( sigh... mount and pet here )

The account has about 20 days of playtime left. I am using the mobile version of the authenticator ( mainly for the pet, never had an intrusion of any sort, since I keep my machine squeaky clean and rarely ever install new stuff ) to protect it.


WoW characters:

Before things dipped into the account-wide pool, I was obsessed with the idea of having only one character, so I can achieve as much as possible with him, instead of dividing my attention between a lot of alts.

The account has 2 main characters and about 3-4 level 1 bank alts, situated at various key locations.

1. Level 90 troll assassination rogue ( my main char )

Masked Armory Link: WoW Armory Alternative - Nameless Armory Profiles.

2. Level 86 draenei paladin ( I levelled this one up mainly so I can farm for Sulfuras and Shadowmourne, to add those to my legendary collection )


Specializations and gear:

1. Assassination Rogue - 516 ilvl of PvE gear ( 8/12 Throne of Thunder normal - core raider, currently working on Dark Animus ), fully enchanted, gemmed and reforged

PvP gear - not much of a PvP-er, though I do have a lot of PvP achievements scored, got a few items from the 5.1 Season.

2. Protection Paladin - still levelling up, mainly blues from dungeons, since I never did any quests after I hit level 15 - only levelled this one thru dungeons

Real time screenshots of the gear and chars will be made and sent out to the interested parties over Skype/email. Just so you make sure that I really have those characters and they are who I say they are, I can go to any location of your liking and make the screenshot there, while also saying something in gchat, for instance. Entirely up to you.



1. Troll rogue

1a. Mining ( maxed out )

1b. Engineering ( maxed out, and completist-grade: I have every (!) schematic in the game, including some extremely rare ones )

1c. First aid ( maxed out )

1d. Cooking ( maxed out, every recipe in the game available )

1e. Fishing ( maxed out )

1f. Archaeology ( maxed out, all rare drop mounts, pets and vanity items )

2. Draenei paladin - no professions


Achievements and feats of strength:

1. Achievement points - 17805 ( 1678/1937 achievements completed ), 11th place on the realm in terms of achievement points.

2. Feats of strength - 57 ( will provide a full list with screenshots, if interested )



Reputations at Exalted - 73

The Tillers - Best friends with everyone

Nat Pagle - Best friends

Mists of Pandaria factions:

999/1000 Exalted with everyone but Shado-pan Assault ( 7829 honored with them )

Cataclysm factions:

999/1000 Exalted with all factions

Wrath of the Lich King factions:

999/1000 Exalted with all factions ( Oracles at Exalted )

The Burning Crusade factions:

999/1000 Exalted with all factions ( The Aldor at Exalted )

I have the Hero of Shattrath feat of strength, having levelled up both The Aldor and The Scryers to Exalted

Vanilla factions:

999/1000 Exalted with all factions

Notable classic unobtainable factions at Exalted:

Argent Dawn, Shen'dralar, Zandalari tribe

PvP factions:

Frostwolf clan - 999/1000 Exalted

The Defilers - 2672/21000 Revered

Warsong Outriders - 1858/3000 Neutral

Guild reputation: 999/1000 Exalted ( level 25 guild )


Legendary weapons:

Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
Warglaives of Azzinoth ( both )
Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury
Golad, Twilight of Aspects & Tiriosh, Nightmare of Ages


Titles: 59

Notable ones:

The Insane
The Relic Hunter
The Beloved
Bloodsail Admiral
Master of the Ways
Seeker of Knowledge


Mounts ( my favorite part ):

My collection currently comprises 221 mounts ( that's what my mount journal on my main rogue says ). Since he is Horde, and my paladin is Alliance, I also have all the alliance faction mounts, and they do not count towards my horde counter. All in all, I have about 275-280 mounts altogether on the account.

Mounts: 221 ( Number 1 on my realm - yes, that's right )

Notable mounts ( I won't be listing reputation/faction/quest mounts, since I have them all ):

All Argent Tournament mounts
All Darkmoon Faire mounts
Albino Drake ( 50 mounts collected achievement )
Amani Battle Bear ( the new version, Zul'Aman speed run )
Armored Razzashi Raptor ( the new version, rare drop from Bloodlord Mandokir )
Ashes of Al'ar ( rare drop from Kael'thas Sunstrider in the Eye )
Azure Drake ( rare drop from Malygos, the Eye of Eternity )
Big Battle Bear ( rare TCG mount )
Big Blizzard Bear ( very rare mount, award from Blizzcon 2008 )
Black Drake ( Sartharion drop )
Black Primal Raptor ( Primal Egg drop on the new Isle of Giants )
Black War Bear ( achievement For The Horde! )
Blazing Drake ( extremely low drop from Deathwing )
Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher ( Glory of the Icecrown Raider 10m )
Blue Drake ( rare Malygos drop )
Blue Proto-Drake ( rare drop from Skadi the Ruthless, Utgarde Pinnacle )
Celestial Steed ( Blizzard store )
Corrupted Firehawk ( Glory of the Firelands Raider )
Crimson Cloud Serpent ( Glory of the Pandaria Hero )
Crimson Deathcharger ( Shadowmourne final quest reward )
Dark Phoenix ( Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Raider )
Drake of the East Wind ( Glory of the Cataclysm Raider )
Drake of the North Wind ( rare drop from Altairus )
Flying Carpet ( Tailoring mount, I specifically levelled up Tailoring to get it - currently unusable, because I switched Tailoring for Engineering )
Fossilized Raptor ( rare drop from Archaeology )
Frosty Flying Carpet ( Tailoring mount, I specifically levelled up Tailoring to get it - currently unusable, because I switched Tailoring for Engineering )
Grand Black War Mammoth ( very low drop chance from Vault of Archavon bosses )
Great Brewfest Kodo ( rare drop from the seasonal boss Coren Direbrew )
Green Primal Raptor ( Primal Egg drop on the new Isle of Giants )
Green Proto-Drake ( rare egg drop from The Oracles )
Heart of the Aspects ( Blizzard store )
Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher ( Glory of the Icecrown Raider 25m )
Imperial Quilen ( Mists of Pandaria Collector's Edition exclusive mount )
Ironbound Proto-Drake ( Glory of the Ulduar Raider 25m )
Jade Pandaren Kite ( 150 mounts achievement )
Jade Panther ( Jewelcrafting mount )
Kor'kron Annihilator ( Level 25 Guild )
Life-Binder's Handmaiden ( rare drop from Deathwing Heroic only )
Magnificent Flying Carpet ( Tailoring mount, I specifically levelled up Tailoring to get it - currently unusable, because I switched Tailoring for Engineering )
Mechano-hog ( Engineering mount )
Mottled Drake ( rare TCG mount )
Onyxian Drake ( super rare drop from Onyxia )
Phosphorescent Stone Drake ( drops from rare mob Aeonaxx in Deepholm )
Pureblood Firehawk ( rare drop from Ragnaros in Firelands )
Raven Lord ( rare drop from Anzu in Sethekk Halls )
Red Flying Cloud ( technically, a reputation mount, but still, the only one of its kind )
Red Dragonhawk ( 100 mounts achievement )
Red Primal Raptor ( Primal Egg drop on the new Isle of Giants )
Red Proto-Drake ( Glory of the Hero )
Red Qiraji Battle Tank ( very rare drop from Ahn'Qiraj trash, only usable in AQ, grants a feat of strength )
Riding Turtle ( rare TCG mount )
Rivendare's Deathcharger ( rare drop from Rivendare in Stratholme )
Ruby Panther ( Jewelcrafting mount )
Rusted Proto-Drake ( Glory of the Ulduar Raider 10m )
Sandstone Drake ( Alchemy mount )
Sapphire Panther ( Jewelcrafting mount )
Spectral Wind Rider ( Scroll of Resurrection mount )
Subdued Seahorse ( drops from Poseidus in Vashj'ir )
Sunstone Panther ( Jewelcrafting mount )
Swift Brewfest Ram ( rare drop from Coren Direbrew )
Swift Lovebird ( Love is in the Air )
Swift Razzashi Raptor ( rare drop from old Zul'Gurub boss Bloodlord Mandokir, unobtainable right now )
Swift Shorestrider ( rare TCG mount )
Swift Springstrider ( Noblegarden )
Swift White Hawkstrider ( rare drop from Kael'thas in Magisters' Terrace )
Swift Windsteed ( Blizzard store )
Swift Zulian Panther ( rare drop from new Zul'Gurub boss Kilnara )
Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent ( a very rare mount dropping from Alani )
Time-Lost Proto-Drake ( drops from the rare mob with the same name )
Turbo-Charged Flying Machine ( Engineering mount )
Twilight Drake ( Sartharion 25 man )
Twilight Harbinger ( Glory of the Dragon Soul Raider )
Tyrael's Charger ( A year-long WoW promotion, not available anymore )
Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank ( ultra rare drop from Tol'vir Archaeology )
Venomhide Ravasaur ( 20 day long questline )
Violet Proto-Drake ( What a Strange, Long Trip It's Been achievement, minimum a year to complete )
Vitreous Stone Drake ( rare drop from Slabhide in Stonecore )
Volcanic Stone Drake ( Glory of the Cataclysm Hero )
White Polar Bear ( very low drop from daily quests in Storm Peaks )
Winged Guardian ( Blizzard store )
X-51 Nether Rocket X-TREME ( very rare TCG flying mount )
X-51 Nether Rocket ( the blue version of the above mount )
X-53 Touring Rocket ( kickass two-seater mount from the previous Recruit-a-Friend program, unobtainable anymore )

Any of the above mounts can be showcased for you in a screenshot, if you are interested. Reaching 5.3 will instantly grant you yet another mount reward from the 200 mounts achievement.



Pets are as important to me as mounts are, so I haven't been slacking on collecting them either. MoP introduced pet battles though, which came with tons of wildlife pets to capture, and I haven't really gotten all of them yet. Prior to MoP, I used to have all ingame pets available, plus quite a few TCG ones and all the Blizzard store ones ( including the plushie pets ). And of course, all Blizzcon pets excluding Murky from 2005, as well as the exclusive pets from having all those Collector Editions from Section 1 in this review. Sorting and listing all the pets will prove to be a herculean task, so I opted for a short summary instead. I have the Living Sandling pet from the Throne of Thunder, as well as the ultra rare Darkmoon Rabbit from the rabbit killer boss on Darkmoon Island. Oh, and of course, all seasonal holiday pets, including Ahune's and Apothecary Trio.

Most of the pets that I don't have are wild ones, easily capturable, I just didn't have the time to stretch on that front too. Enquire about a specific pet, if interested, and I will showcase it, if I have it ( chances are I do ).


Gold on the account:

About 15k on my rogue and 2-3k on my pally. Not worth mentioning though, since I might need it for flasks/enchants in the meantime, depending on how long it's gonna take to sell the account.


Vanity items:

I do fancy collecting fun vanity items as well. Got most of the items from the new MoP rares ( the ones I considered worth farming for ), as well as all archaeology ones and a ton of transformation items. Enquire about anything specific if interested.


Price of the account and payment methods allowed:

Price: 300 €

Payment methods: Cash Face-to-Face


Contact information:

Skype name - ionicles ( recommended - I never turn off my PC, and Skype is constantly running, so you can reach me anytime during day hours )

e-mail - brantia@abv.bg ( I check this one a few times a day )

PM in the forum



Това се пита в задачата!!!

¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯

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