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Регистриран на:
05 Яну 2011 16:07
Мнения: 358
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Заглавие: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Публикувано на: 11 Апр 2011 14:09

Петъчните ъпдейти вече са само едно отбиване на номера. Всичко се пази за E3, където се надявам да хукнем по финална права - отворени бети, дата за излизане, endgame.
Девелопърите вече доста свободно говорят за механиките на играта по форумите, споделят за куестове и т.н. Явно си нямат много работа :lol: Ама много ги бива Bioware да дразнят народа с протакане и неизвестност. По моите планове вече трябваше да съм поне към 15-то ниво в бетата :D


Регистриран на:
08 Фев 2004 14:09
Мнения: 1732
Местоположение: Гори тилилейски
В момента играе: Mozilla Firefox
Публикувано на: 11 Апр 2011 15:22

E3 е чак след два месеца.

Гледай как ще ни съобщят "водещата новина" - играта се отлага с половин година, с цел полиране и доизкусуряване.

Remember when you could play multiplayer without 15-year-olds insulting your mother or questioning your sexuality? Good times...

Алкохола - враг на пола, с плодов сок - към полов скок!

Профил Skype WWW

Регистриран на:
29 Авг 2004 21:17
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Местоположение: Dantooine
В момента играе: League of Legends
Mass Effect
Заглавие: Re:
Публикувано на: 11 Апр 2011 16:34

Много ме шокира потвърдената липса на плуване в играта.
In order for swimming to be actually worth the implementation and time, we’d want to do it right – meaning content built around it, maybe a water centric planet, etc. Absent that content – there are no water worlds in this game – we’ve decided to focus on other things that are more important to us.

Ще видим кат дойде време за експанжън.

Sirius написа:
п.с. Котаракът вкъщи, бидейки гаден езичник, нагъва шунка за 22 лв килото като невидял и се е охранил до внушителните 8 килограма.


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Регистриран на:
08 Фев 2004 14:09
Мнения: 1732
Местоположение: Гори тилилейски
В момента играе: Mozilla Firefox
Публикувано на: 11 Апр 2011 17:14

Това е без значение. Повече ме тревожи потвърдената липса на водни светове. Искам си Манаан :(

Remember when you could play multiplayer without 15-year-olds insulting your mother or questioning your sexuality? Good times...

Алкохола - враг на пола, с плодов сок - към полов скок!

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Регистриран на:
05 Яну 2011 16:07
Мнения: 358
Местоположение: София
Заглавие: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Публикувано на: 11 Апр 2011 22:39

Дреме ми за плуването да си кажа честно :lol: Да го оставят за разработка в експанжъни, та да се накефим като изследваме дълбини. Ще е нещо, което си струва да се направи едва чак след като се насладим на основната игра.

Манаан, ба... Най-смотаната планета от Котора. Като геймплей де :D Все не ме сдържаше да им унищожа колтото. Да измират рибоците. И скачаха после цените на всеки медпак в играта :twisted: Все си мисля, че съм ускорил изобретяването на бактата.


Регистриран на:
08 Фев 2004 14:09
Мнения: 1732
Местоположение: Гори тилилейски
В момента играе: Mozilla Firefox
Публикувано на: 12 Апр 2011 20:10

Абе Манаан си беше интересна - и като концепция и като визия.

Простотията беше Корибан, аз такъв цирк просто не бях виждал...

Remember when you could play multiplayer without 15-year-olds insulting your mother or questioning your sexuality? Good times...

Алкохола - враг на пола, с плодов сок - към полов скок!

Профил Skype WWW

Заглавие: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Публикувано на: 13 Апр 2011 02:17

Всеки път, когато чуя "Манаан", и се сещам за звуковата тема на планетата. Действаше ми много успокоително. :)



Регистриран на:
08 Фев 2004 14:09
Мнения: 1732
Местоположение: Гори тилилейски
В момента играе: Mozilla Firefox
Публикувано на: 15 Апр 2011 18:51

Днешният ъпдейт:

Studio Insider: Environment Polish
Fan Friday

Remember when you could play multiplayer without 15-year-olds insulting your mother or questioning your sexuality? Good times...

Алкохола - враг на пола, с плодов сок - към полов скок!

Профил Skype WWW

Регистриран на:
05 Яну 2011 16:07
Мнения: 358
Местоположение: София
Заглавие: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Публикувано на: 20 Апр 2011 12:41

Не че е някаква новина, но на сайта swtor.com закриха раздела за офтопик. Основните предположения са, че това е сигнал, който показва желанието на Bioware отсега нататък сайтът да се концентрира изцяло върху играта. И на други места из форума се усеща разшетване от страна на модераторите. Чистят разделите на класовете и т.н.
Може би съвсем скоро ще направят обявления за бета/дата на излизане и очакват прилив на нови хора, които не трябва да се заглеждат в офтопици :)

И едно ново интервю на Даниел Ериксън http://tor-talk.com/daniel-erickson-interview/


Регистриран на:
05 Яну 2011 16:07
Мнения: 358
Местоположение: София
Заглавие: Re: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Публикувано на: 22 Апр 2011 18:17

Ъпдейтът този петък направо изби рибата :lol: Ако някой е мислел, че по-зле не може...



Регистриран на:
08 Фев 2004 14:09
Мнения: 1732
Местоположение: Гори тилилейски
В момента играе: Mozilla Firefox
Публикувано на: 22 Апр 2011 18:21

Да беше дал точния линк, а?

Ъпдейтът не е лош, но бива ли човек да си прави такава мазна самореклама...

Remember when you could play multiplayer without 15-year-olds insulting your mother or questioning your sexuality? Good times...

Алкохола - враг на пола, с плодов сок - към полов скок!

Профил Skype WWW

Регистриран на:
08 Фев 2004 14:09
Мнения: 1732
Местоположение: Гори тилилейски
В момента играе: Mozilla Firefox
Публикувано на: 23 Апр 2011 17:18

Нови скрийншотове.

Remember when you could play multiplayer without 15-year-olds insulting your mother or questioning your sexuality? Good times...

Алкохола - враг на пола, с плодов сок - към полов скок!

Профил Skype WWW

Регистриран на:
08 Фев 2004 14:09
Мнения: 1732
Местоположение: Гори тилилейски
В момента играе: Mozilla Firefox
Публикувано на: 23 Апр 2011 18:12

Даниел Ериксън, по въпроса за ситските титли:

Hey Folks,

Darth is an official title in the Sith Empire. The honorific, however, is always "my lord" when speaking to a Sith who outranks you whether they are officially a lord or not. So all soldiers in the Imperial military of normal rank (not moffs and generals) will call you "my lord" as soon as you achieve full Sith status. This doesn't mean you’re actually a Lord by title yet. The Sith themselves have a complex sense of rank and will often try to test others with their forms of address.

It will likely not come as a surprise to most people that the title of Darth is a story-based reward. What may come as a surprise is that not everyone who completes the Sith storyline will achieve it. There are always choices and those choices matter in many ways, including your notoriety and the rewards or reputation you earn. Darth will absolutely be off-limits during character creation.

Remember when you could play multiplayer without 15-year-olds insulting your mother or questioning your sexuality? Good times...

Алкохола - враг на пола, с плодов сок - към полов скок!

Профил Skype WWW

Регистриран на:
08 Фев 2004 14:09
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Местоположение: Гори тилилейски
В момента играе: Mozilla Firefox
Публикувано на: 23 Апр 2011 18:24

Даниел Ериксън, за отношението на джедаите и ситите към брака:

Hey folks,

Easy to give the official answer. But first let's make sure we're all on the same page. Cultures change over time. They move one way then another, values shift, influxes of new peoples or discoveries change what is considered normal, etc. So if we're strictly talking about TOR then arguments based on things that happened thousands of years earlier or later aren't really applicable except to compare and contrast. Our views on modern marriage are not those of ancient Rome, and I doubt in 3,000 years they will be the same. So let's talk about where Jedi and Sith stand during the time period of The Old Republic.

For the last two hundred years the Jedi Order has been getting steadily more conservative. The liberalization that was necessary to restock the Jedi's numbers in the century after the events of Knights of the Old Republic II is now looked back on as a necessary evil. In the time that followed there were a number of terrible Dark Jedi who emerged as warlords and worse.

The two factors that showed up the most often in analysis of what caused Jedi to fall were unorthodox training methods and romantic entanglements. Thus in the following centuries training became more orthodox, with a return to the Jedi Order's earlier traditions. Which Masters were allowed to train padawans (and which could train more than one at once) became more restrictive and romance became one of the most guarded against emotional weakness. As the game opens it is possible to get married as a Jedi but it requires a lengthy process of approval from the Jedi Council. A couple must prove beyond a shadow of a doubt they are both able to handle the strain romantic couples can endure. All children of Jedi are taken from them and raised by the Jedi as a whole, the same as other Force users in the Republic.

For the last thousand years the Sith Empire has needed stability and growth more than anything else. That means alliances that prevent power struggles. It means encouraging the creation of more children. Which in turn means marriage and a focus on family.

Where once the individual was judged largely alone, bloodlines are now incredibly socially important. A Sith from a long line of powerful Sith will find his path through the Academy easier, his opportunities increased. A family with no Force-users who suddenly find themselves with a Force-sensitive child will sacrifice everything they have to get them martial training and mental discipline coaches - for if that child passes the Academy and becomes Sith the entire family will rocket to the penultimate social class in Imperial society, side by side with moffs and governors, second only to Sith themselves.

Marriage among the Sith is usually between only two people and is often to forge a political alliance. Marriages of love do happen often among the lower ranked Sith but decrease the closer the Lord is to the top of the pyramid-shaped power structure. Marriages between Sith and non-Sith are rare, as it lowers the chance of a Force-sensitive offspring. It is a common, though unspoken of, practice for Sith parents to kill a non Force-sensitive offspring and deny it ever existed, claiming the baby was stillborn, etc. A Sith with openly non Force-sensitive offspring is believed to be admitting a thinning of the blood in his or her family line.

Adultery is common among the Sith but officially illegal. Divorce is strongly frowned upon but killing one's spouse for adultery or other provable offense is socially acceptable. The one time you see obligatory divorce is when a member of the Dark Council breaks a couple apart to stop the accumulation of too much power in one place.

Hope that helps!

Remember when you could play multiplayer without 15-year-olds insulting your mother or questioning your sexuality? Good times...

Алкохола - враг на пола, с плодов сок - към полов скок!

Профил Skype WWW

Регистриран на:
08 Фев 2004 14:09
Мнения: 1732
Местоположение: Гори тилилейски
В момента играе: Mozilla Firefox
Публикувано на: 23 Апр 2011 19:17

Информация от Buffed Magazine:

Beginning of a Legend

At the beginning of the event Daniel Erickson gave a briefing to the 7 journalists in attendance. A quick overview of what we could expect: We will start as a Bounty Hunter or Imperial Agent at level 1 and can advance as far as we could, in 2 days. In addition a PVP session in the Alderaan Warzone with level 20 characters was planned. For the first time players would meet other players on an instanced battlefield, more on this later. At the end of the briefing we changed into a room with 8 PCs. On the left side 4 PCs which awaited the first mission of the Imperial Agent, on the right side Bounty Hunters stood at the ready. We decided us for the Bounty Hunter for hire. The adventure of Boba Fett's ancestor starts on Nal Hutta, homeworld of the Hutts. A group of experienced NPC Bounty Hunters took us in as a junior associate. Braden, the leader, is convinced that we have what it takes to take part in the "Great Hunt". This is not a weekend trip with the goal to blast a few Womprats. The great hunt is organized by Mandalorians, a nomadic warrior cult made up of many different species. As diverse the Mandalorians are in appearance as unified are they to produce the greatest warrior of the galaxy, the so called "Mand’alor". To find recruits with enough potential they stage the great hunt. At the end of the Bounty Hunter storyline one has the chance to become a member of the glorious Mandalorians. But it is just one possibility and not a given. Here TOR differs from most MMOs, who offer every player only one outcome. If you're becoming a Mandalorian or "just" another successful Bounty Hunter dependes on your many choices you make during the game.

Merciless Opponent

Back on Nal Hutta the long trip to the maximum level 50 begins. According to developers this usually takes 200 hours. At the moment we are a young up-and-coming Bounty Hunter who completes contracts for the slimy crimelord Nem'ro the Hutt. A competitor massacres our entire crew. Only the beautiful human female Mako survives. Since the crew was her surrogate family she's out for revenge. This presents the player with a problem: the rules of the great hunt state that one cannot kill a direct competitor. The murderer of your crew - Tarro Blood, is in the great hunt as well. One has to decide: career or revenge? Your choice also influences the loyalty of your companion. Similar to Mass Effect, Dragon Age or KotOR you collect several of these over the course of the game and take them along with you on missions. If you take care of your relationships with your companions, he or she will stay loyal to you and even open up new quests. Act against their wills and pay the price (i.e. refuse to kill Tarro Blood and the beautiful Mako might leave you).

The End of the Beginning

Nal Hutta is the starting zone of the Bounty Hunter and the Imperial Agent. While Agents work undercover as gangsters to infiltrate the criminal organization of the Hutts, the Bounty Hunter is working on standing in of Nem'ro the Hutt's good graces so he will sponsor you in the great hunt. When Nem'ro's enemies are of no concern anymore, the real adventure begins: the long awaited passage to the imperial capital world of Dromund Kaas. Here the Bounty Hunter Guild has their headquarters. The travel to Dromund Kaas can be done via two different means. Either you fly via shuttle directly or you can take a special imperial transporter into an instanced adventure, a so-called flashpoint. This adventure can be done only by groups of at least 2 players with 2 companions. Once on board a droid is asking for your attention. His master, a Sith Lord, is offering you a mission: make your way to the bridge and make the captain attack a republican cruiser (yes, it is that flashpoint). The mission is delicate because officially there is a truce between the Empire and the Republic. The captain opposes the order because he is convinced that the imperial transporter is no match for the cruiser of the republic. But the Sith Lord is unrelenting, on the enemy ship is an imperial defector, who must be eliminated.

Murder or Mercy

Dialog and the resulting choices are big challenges for the developers when players are grouped up: a digital throw of the dice decides who can give an answer and decide the course of the group's story. But what about other group member who wanted to make a different choice? Bioware's solution is not elegant but effective: The dice throw in the instance decides the dialog options, but every player can pick his own options which morally count for them and their companions. One example: as Bounty Hunter we decide to let the captain live, while the grouped up Imperial Agent wants to order his death. The agent wins the dice throw and in a cut scene draws his blaster and kills the unruly captain. Our companion Mako honors our try to exact mercy and acknowledges in her reaction our decision not to kill the captain. Thus our relationship with her improves. For the rest of the flashpoint the captain is dead and his first officer is in charge of the ship.

Ready to Board

After we defended our ship against republican boarding parties we jump ship and take a shuttle to get to the enemy ship. The final boss: a Jedi Padawan who protects the defector stands in our way. A Force-user against two regular mortals, is that fight even winnable? Of course! Not every Jedi and not every Sith are masters of their trade. Our quartet of Bounty Hunter, Imperial Agent and companions are more than a match for the single Jedi Padawan. Though the lightsaber takes huge chunks of health points off our Bounty Hunter, we get healed from Mako and the Agent. Once the Jedi is finally one with the Force we confront the the defector: a chubby, old general, his body scattered with war wounds and prosthetics. Under pressure he confesses: he saw a terrible weapon under construction by the Empire. To keep the galaxy in balance he wanted to warn the republic. But now we have the choice to execute him on the spot or take him prisoner and give him to the Sith Lord. "He's not worth much dead" we think and decide to arrest him. The IA wants to make short work of him but we win the roll and give the prisoner to the Sith and collect our credits. The way to Dromund Kaas is free.

The Imperial Center

Once on the imperial capital, Dromund Kaas show it's best side: lightning storms reign in the sky, the jungles full of bloodthirsty monstrosities, in between loyal imperial troops which serve a renegade Sith Lord, who uses methods, which are too much even for the Empire, to develop new weapon systems. A perfect scenario for a BH out to make a few credits and make a name for himself. Slowly, the quests get harder. Next to classic solo missions we discover "heroic" labeled areas in which quests for groups take place. Nobody should go there on their own. We want to advance our story and visit the Bounty Hunter guild HQ and prove ourselves worthy to take part in the Great Hunt. But before we can do that we must complete three tasks. One of them is to complete a murder for an imperial admiral. The target: his own daughter!


The daughter is apprentice to the renegade Sith Lord and refuses to leave her master. That would disgrace the whole family and plunge them into despair. That is why she must die. So we fight our way through the defense ring into the heart of the enemy base. In a remote room we meet the young Sith. When she sees us she only mocks us. Only a Sith Lord or a mighty Jedi master, on a good day, has a chance to best her in combat. Not a rotten mercenary like us. After a short fight we convinced her of the opposite and on her knees she is begging for her life. Now we have three choices: take her prisoner, killing her painless and killing her cruel. We decide to act professionally and raise our blaster "Close your eyes. I'll make it quick." When we report our success to the Admiral he turns away in disgust. "Here are your credits! And now leave! You understand that I cannot bear to see the face of the murderer of my daughter any longer." We answer cool: "Then you should avoid mirrors for the future." And leave the broken man. Class quests like these are usually instanced. A green or red light over an entrance indicate if you can enter or not. If there are players in your group from other classes they can accompany you. If you are alone that’s not a problem. Class quests can be solo-ed.

The Great Hunt

Once all three tasks were completed, we achieved the right to compete in the Great Hunt. But we are not alone. There are competitors, like our arch-nemesis Tarro Blood, who got accepted as well. But another problem presents itself: how do we reach all the exotic places in the galaxy?

A spaceship is the answer to that question. But where do you get one without credits? Our budget is not enough so we act as a starship thief in our last quest on Dromund Kaas. With blaster, rockets and flamethrower we make our way through a hangar and enter our D5 Mantis patrol ship for the first time, a sturdy, slightly older spacer. Inside we meet the droid PO-12, whose voice reminds us of C-3PO. He is our second companion who we can take with us on ground missions. But he's not made for combat he quickly adds. I wonder if he’s any good as a protocol droid or even slicer? Quickly we make our way to the bridge where a hologram of the galaxy awaits us. Now everything is open to us. First stop: Tatooine.

Remember when you could play multiplayer without 15-year-olds insulting your mother or questioning your sexuality? Good times...

Алкохола - враг на пола, с плодов сок - към полов скок!

Профил Skype WWW

Регистриран на:
08 Фев 2004 14:09
Мнения: 1732
Местоположение: Гори тилилейски
В момента играе: Mozilla Firefox
Публикувано на: 24 Апр 2011 21:46

Още lore от Вездесъщия:

Hey Folks,

First of all, let me say that I love this thread. It always makes me smile to see people really digging into the setting and thinking about how it works together. Star Wars has a fascinating universe that is almost fairy tale simple on the surface and endlessly complex underneath. There is room for exceptions to every rule and variations on every theme. But in the interest of time, I'll keep this post to the general. The rule, not the exception.

Sith are evil.

The Sith philosophy is evil and encourages evil in its participants. We can get into endless philosophical discussions about whether anything is actually evil or actually good but if we are speaking from our modern, western view on the concept of evil then the Sith clearly qualify. They are encouraged to put the personal over the group, power over compassion and to judge everything's worthiness to survive on its ability to fight for that survival. Mercy, sympathy, generosity, these are seen as weaknesses. Anger and rage are seen as strengths. These are not people most of us want to work with or have as neighbors.

That does not mean, however, that the Sith see themselves as evil.

In our own world, slavery as something that is inherently evil is something the majority of the world has agreed about only in the most recent centuries. Imperialism, expansion through conquest, the rights of the few to rule the many because of birthright - these are things that our world's cultures have accepted as the natural order for a far larger percentage of history than they have rejected them.

In the Star Wars universe, followers of the Sith philosophy genuinely believe that these things we deem evil, are actually in the best interests of a society. They look at the disorder, corruption and infighting of the Republic and they scoff. "What those people lack," an Imperial thinks, "is strong leadership."

It's important to remember that movements towards freedom normally come during the reign of weak, distracted, or greedy rulers who are not providing for their people. The Sith Empire has had 1000 years under an Emperor who rebuilt them from almost nothing, led them in conquest and glory against their neighbors, returned the Empire to power and then led them in revenge against the Republic. A Republic who had previously attempted to eliminate the Empire's entire existence because of their beliefs. If this was ancient Rome the vast majority of the people would throw the Emperor a victory parade, not ask for representational government.

It's equally important to remember that you don't have to believe in any of this to play on the Empire's side in The Old Republic. You can be the exception to the rule. You are merely making a choice to be someone who was born on that side of the fence. Or, in the case of the Bounty Hunter, someone who tends to work in that part of space. The light side Sith who works tirelessly to make his Empire a better place is a deeply compelling character. The pragmatic Agent who wants nothing more than to protect the millions non-Sith citizens from harm is equally interesting. The Bounty Hunter gets to be his own man and spit right in the face of anyone who he doesn't agree with. Being a good man in a bad place is one of the all time great role-playing options.

So when you roll a character on the Empire side you're going to hear the arguments about why the war is important. You're going to feel the anger of a people who were told they didn't have the right to exist and were chased out of known space. You're going to see the culture that created and maintains their hierarchy and strange form of order. And you're going to make a choice about how much or how little of it your character wants to believe. Then you're going to start making choices. That's when it gets hard.

Hope that helps!

Remember when you could play multiplayer without 15-year-olds insulting your mother or questioning your sexuality? Good times...

Алкохола - враг на пола, с плодов сок - към полов скок!

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Регистриран на:
08 Фев 2004 14:09
Мнения: 1732
Местоположение: Гори тилилейски
В момента играе: Mozilla Firefox
Публикувано на: 24 Апр 2011 21:56

Daniel Erickson strikes again!

Why the Jedi were wrong?

The most important aspect in telling this story, in the era of the Old Republic, was to delve deeper into the world of the Sith. "The thing that came up first was deciding how we were going to present the Sith and the Empire. And then really spending the time to make sure we were creating people and a culture, not two-dimensional villains. We had to start from the basics: why are they like this."

There were hints of what happened between the Jedi and the Sith in the formative years of the Force. While the Force itself always existed, learning how to use it, and how to train others to use it, took time. "The Force was developed on Tython, discovered by these pre-Jedi philosophers. They came into conflict about what it means and how it should be addressed." Erickson explains. This conflict split the people in two. "What the Jedi call the Dark Side, and what came to be known as the Dark Side, these people believed that life should be about emotion. They believed you should be unrestrained, that the galaxy wants us to love and lust and kill and make art and cry and dream..." he trails off. I imagine him sitting on a throne, lightsaber under his right hand. This conversation started as two Star Wars fans chatting about the expanded universe, but now I'm starting to understand the draw of the Sith.

What happened to these hedonistic followers of the Force? "They get chased out of the galaxy. In fact, in the lore, chased to the point where the Jedi believe they are dead. This is very close to genocide! The Jedi believe these people to be unredeemable."

He points out that we've only be presented one side of the story. If you grew up among these people, you have a very different story. "You know there is an Emperor, and that he saved your people's very existence, and there is a society out there larger than you, who deemed your people and your religion not worthy to exist." Growing up, being taught to understand and explore our emotions and passions, and then being told this monk-like order had hunted my people to near extinction... it's easy to see the attraction to taking up your blaster or lightsaber against their order.


I always like to see what responses the philosophical discussions provoke. Hopefully people noticed that I don't say the Sith were good. It was a clever title masking a more complex truth, which is that morality is shaped by culture and people. Genocide, slavery, human sacrifice and more horrific wars against people who have different beliefs than can be easily counted have all been part of the human experience and to my knowledge not one culture has ever stood up and said "We’re doing this because we’re terrible people."

If you were raised in a culture that believed that an all-knowing god chose one man to rule over all others and passed that right through their bloodline, it would not seem odd, evil or tyrannical to you that there was, in fact, a king who fulfilled that role. Similarly if you were raised to think an entire group of people were marked as superior by their abilities (the Force in the case of the Empire) as to be above the law in the same way it would seem as natural as the aristocracy did for thousands of years of human history. If you were one of those privileged people and were taught to embrace your most base emotions, to take whatever you could grab by strength of arms or scheme and wit, that it was your ambition and lack of restraint that brought you freedom and purity…

You see where I’m going with this. It's important to realize that while no amount of a dark side embracing Sith justifying himself to us (if for some reason you could get one to deign to do so) would convince us that he was a good person, he does not see himself through our filter or he could not be who he is. Nor does the Empire as a whole see itself as the Republic sees it. If it did any stories told from that side would lack depth or compelling drama. "So, Darth Evil, it seems like we’re in the wrong here…" "Yes, Admiral. We are. We’re very bad people. My mother is extremely disappointed in me."

Storytelling is about conflict and the conflict between ideologies and cultural perspective gives us some of the richest material to work from.

Remember when you could play multiplayer without 15-year-olds insulting your mother or questioning your sexuality? Good times...

Алкохола - враг на пола, с плодов сок - към полов скок!

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08 Фев 2004 14:09
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Местоположение: Гори тилилейски
В момента играе: Mozilla Firefox
Публикувано на: 24 Апр 2011 22:56

Още информация от PC Gamer:

- Bioware manages to differentiate the Jedi starting area from the Agent starting area.
- Bioware has done an impressive job of replicating the lifestyle of a secret agent.
- There are a lot of kill-and-deliver quests.
- Tales of TOR's focus on story have not been exaggerated: it's immediately apparent that this is a BioWare game.
- Kaliyo reminds ме of Morrigan - dark, sexy and disapproving of everything I do.
- Cover activated by holding Shift. This highlights cover locations; you can tap R to roll into the one you're looking at.
- Cover is NOT a flat percent-damage reduction. If you're behind it when someone shoots at you, it misses completely. If you're shooting, you're going to get hit. Cover degrades as it gets shot, and some abilities are designed specifically to shoot over cover or knock you out of it.
- There is a "Solo Conversation" mode, which allows players to enter conversations alone, even when grouped.
- Kaas City is intriguing - it takes a very interesting twist that involves rival Sith Lords, terrorist cells plotting to destroy the city and a cult of Revanites.
- The RPG side of TOR is similar to that of Dragon Age: Origins and the game's PvP system feels like an upgraded version of Warhammer Online.
- There is no player collision.
- Companions are unavailable in PvP.
- There is Valor, identical to Warhammer's Renown, an alternate PvP levelling system.
- Badge system similar to Halo: Reach rewards for streaks of success.
- Healing and damage absorption is tracked in the match stats to promote and reward tanks and healers.
- Separate PvP gear sets while leveling and at max level.

Remember when you could play multiplayer without 15-year-olds insulting your mother or questioning your sexuality? Good times...

Алкохола - враг на пола, с плодов сок - към полов скок!

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Регистриран на:
29 Авг 2004 21:17
Мнения: 713
Местоположение: Dantooine
В момента играе: League of Legends
Mass Effect
Заглавие: Re:
Публикувано на: 30 Апр 2011 11:21

Армор прогресията на война
В края на поста има дисекция :)
http://darthhater.com/2011/04/29/friday ... oper-blog/
Информация за интерфейса
Впечатления от Black Talon флашпойнта :)
http://www.askajedi.com/2011/04/29/fss- ... pressions/

Sirius написа:
п.с. Котаракът вкъщи, бидейки гаден езичник, нагъва шунка за 22 лв килото като невидял и се е охранил до внушителните 8 килограма.


Профил Skype WWW

Регистриран на:
29 Авг 2004 21:17
Мнения: 713
Местоположение: Dantooine
В момента играе: League of Legends
Mass Effect
Заглавие: Re: Re:
Публикувано на: 01 Май 2011 12:58

Хъм. Пропуснал съм покритието на fan summit-a
General Information Learned
http://darthhater.com/2011/04/28/fan-si ... s-learned/
lack Talon Flashpoint Impressions
http://darthhater.com/2011/04/28/fan-si ... pressions/
Bounty Hunter Impressions
http://darthhater.com/2011/04/28/fan-si ... pressions/
Imperial Agent Impressions
http://darthhater.com/2011/04/28/fan-si ... pressions/
Question and Answer Session Audio
http://darthhater.com/2011/04/28/fan-si ... ion-audio/

И снимки :)
http://darthhater.com/media/gallery/fan ... it-images/

Sirius написа:
п.с. Котаракът вкъщи, бидейки гаден езичник, нагъва шунка за 22 лв килото като невидял и се е охранил до внушителните 8 килограма.


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