Форум на PC Mania

Shadow worlds...
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Автор:  L-I-N-K [ 02 Юли 2003 08:02 ]
Заглавие:  Shadow worlds...

Deep outside the moonlight there is on world unknown for human race. This is the world of magic, world of good and evil, world of light and darkness. But there is a border between light and darkness . It is a thin line of shadows. Shadows where the blessed deamons live. A place where those who are not good, but also not bad live. Is is a place of might, and everyone makes whatever he wants. I am the Shadow Face. I am the ruller of this shadow line. I am the one and only blessed deamon Lord. I feel the might and the magic. I feel the loneliness sometimes but sometimes I feel only pain. I am the mightest and in same time I am the one who is easiest to be hurt, and hardest to make love something. I only love the nature, the shadows and the songs of wild birds and streams. I feel nothing else any more. I love nothing but me. I will be the perfect killer. Now the Grant Deamon Lord asked me to come and become the next Grant Deamon Lord Of Evil. To be good or bad make you tired. Now I will tire all good and bad. I felt so much pain till now that I hate the Life. I will destroy everything in that world. And than I am contenplating my suicide. I am going to a New World where there are no such things as feelings. Even if I burn in Hell for eternity...

Автор:  Нордрим [ 02 Юли 2003 08:23 ]

L-I-N-K творението ти е доста добро , но се страхувам че много от членовете няма да го оценят заради езика . Все пак се надявам да пуснеш някоя по - дълга част скоро . Защото сега е малко трудно да се прецени - прекалено е късо .
А може въобще да не искаш да го продължаваш . Не знам . Дерзай :)

Автор:  L-I-N-K [ 02 Юли 2003 08:33 ]

My friend, I dont care if everybody would understand this words. I just needed to get out the rage. And I found the easiest way in writing. And than I desided to put it here, where some old friends who can read between the lines, would understand this text, and not only understand it, but would feel the pain of being alive and kicking...

One day I may write something longer, but now I dont want, cause it the whole forum there are maybe ten or fifteen persons who can understand my writing...
If you are interested ask paradox for the story of the Thief ( writen by Me)
which I dont know where is now, and why is not posted in that forum ????
However life is the worthless thing in this world, so dont care how you live it, just search for your real nature, and one day you would find the real price of live, you would find the most important in life you would find the real ....
well, let it be a surprice for you, cause sooner or later you would find it yourself...

Автор:  elune [ 02 Юли 2003 09:43 ]

I don't care for the language,but it sounds better in English.
Keep it up :wink:

Автор:  Нордрим [ 02 Юли 2003 14:15 ]

Смятам , че разбрах какво си имал предвид . А и Линк - може вече да съм го намерил .....

П.П. Ако решиш да напишеш още нещо с удоволствие ще го прочета :)

Автор:  TT2-DT [ 02 Юли 2003 19:52 ]

Man, I think should continue writing - your style isn't bad in my opinion, no matter I'm a bit more optimistical about the world and the future. But hey, everyone has his own views about life and I think you shouldn't critisize the others' opinions. Anyway, it's a good and interesting description, I enjoyed reading it:)
P.S. Just look at my signature...I'm really optimistic, aren't I?:)

Автор:  AshamanBG [ 06 Юли 2003 13:26 ]

Well, after there are only fifteen, why don't they become more? I'm shure, that if they were *true* gamers, they would understand. And if they were not, they wouldn't even thry to read this. However, you can move this story to another forum (how about the one on wizards.com). I believe that it would be welcome there. But if you *are* goingf to move the story, let us know. By the way, it isn't "daemons",it's "demons.

Автор:  paradox [ 07 Юли 2003 13:55 ]

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