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13 Дек 2003 12:57
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Заглавие: TERA - The Exiled Realm of Arborea
Публикувано на: 17 Сеп 2009 11:16

Така, international сайт на играта е вече на лице на адрес http://www.tera-online.com.

TERA : The Exiled Realm of Arborea is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game(MMORPG) where you battle epic wars and protect your kingdom from demise. TERA is developed to bring you thrills never experienced before in traditional MMOs with its action-filled gameplay and riveting visuals.

TERA raises the bar, setting new standards in the gaming industry. It is a visually stunning world with graphic quality above all other games in the industry. You will experience a new ground-breaking gameplay system where stereotypes of traditional MMORPGs will be broken. You will have full control over the attacks and the fate of your enemy. No more "pointing and clicking" and playing combat relay with the enemies. Furthermore, not only do you control the action, TERA is also set in a world where the players will dictate the flow of the economy and individually impact the community environment.

Join forces and become part of a vast world in constant conflict, where new battles and weaponry skills will leave you grasping for more as you become immersed in the realm of Arborea. Take charge and become the hero the world seeks!


We're nothing like God. Not only do we have limited powers, but sometimes we're driven to become the devil himself. What's your answer this time?
Repeat carefully after me! This world is made... This world is made of... made of... LOVE AND PEACE!

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