Дори не предполагах, че подобна игра може да съществува

А дали има Hot Seat Mode както Цивилизацията? Изглежда много радваща, ще я пробвам! Ще се радвам на още предложения

Oбщо взето ми се играе нещо като подобно на сюжета сериал по роман на Жул Верн, който преди въртяха по кабеларките. Нека блестящата канадска тв продукция не се бърка с американската екранизация, която е доста бозава. Леки прилики със сериала Lost, който не ми допада толкова.Впрочем, играта не е задължително да е стратегия, може и да е адвенчър някакъв, все тая):
Mysterious Island is a Canadian television series based on Jules Verne's novel L'Île mystérieuse. It ran for one season in 1995.
The beginning of the series is much as in the novel. A group of refugees attempting to escape the American Civil War in a balloon wind up stranded on a remote Pacific island, where they are able to improvise a comfortable living for themselves while they wait for a passing ship. As time passes, they become suspicious that some unseen force is watching and directing their movements.
The unseen watcher, Captain Nemo, is more active and less benevolent than in the novel. Able to monitor the island through steampunk-style closed-circuit television and other advanced devices, he treats the castaways as human laboratory specimens, influencing their environment to test their behaviour under stressful conditions. As the series progresses, his tests become more extreme as their continued co-operation threatens his preferred thesis that all humans are, at base, selfish and untrustworthy.
In the series finale, Nemo apparently succeeds in breaking up the group; this proves to be a ruse by the protagonists, who are now certain of Nemo's existence. After they penetrate his hideaway, Nemo admits that the 'experiment' is ruined, and offers to return the castaways to civilisation in his submarine. In a final twist, he puts out to sea without them, apparently leaving them alone on the island, without his influence for good or ill.
И между другото, изън темата, препоръчаха ми Republic Revolution, бива ли я?