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Регистриран на:
01 Авг 2007 17:53
Мнения: 2686
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Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 24 Фев 2011 21:31

Гейм, сет, мач - тази игра събира всички в малкия вътрешен джоб на якето си. Уникално РПГ, нямам търпение, заедно с Бринк и Рейдж - Bethesda са тооооооолкова ОП публишър, че чак не е реално.


Регистриран на:
02 Фев 2011 13:28
Мнения: 50
Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 25 Фев 2011 20:50

Тук толкова много спорихте за графика и енджин, а не казахте нито дума за куестовете и геймплей. Доколото знам никой от bethesda не е казал "Тази игра ще има най-яката графика на всички времена!!!" А освен това звуците изглежда също ще бъдат радост за ушите-много ме впечетли звука от стрелянето с лъка.

btw клипа "skyrim" го гледах за първи път още когато имаше под 1000 гледания от тогава не съм издържал и един ден без да си го пусна поне веднъж.

И относно енджина самият Todd Howard (който не знае кой е ето ви линк)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Todd_Howard си е казал че благорание на точно този енджин и Morrowind и Oblivion печелят игра на годината и че не биха се справили с който и да е друг...
(мисля че го чух в някакво интервю на gameinformer) :stooped: :stooped: :stooped:


Регистриран на:
13 Юни 2008 18:10
Мнения: 1869
В момента играе: RL - worst game ever.
Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 26 Фев 2011 15:29

Реакцията ми към трейлъра

What's a real girl? Is it something fap-able?


Регистриран на:
18 Авг 2009 14:48
Мнения: 544
Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 26 Фев 2011 15:44

noname123 написа:
И относно енджина самият Todd Howard (който не знае кой е ето ви линк)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Todd_Howard си е казал че благорание на точно този енджин и Morrowind и Oblivion печелят игра на годината и че не биха се справили с който и да е друг...
(мисля че го чух в някакво интервю на gameinformer) :stooped: :stooped: :stooped:

Играта използва нов енджин, а GameBryo е трагедия. :shock:


Регистриран на:
02 Фев 2011 13:28
Мнения: 50
Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 27 Фев 2011 00:56

joar написа:
Играта използва нов енджин, а GameBryo е трагедия.

Нямах предвид че използва същия енджин само защитавах стария(R.I.P).
Трагедия е само в някои отношения(не че разбирам много от тия неща...) :? :? :?


Регистриран на:
30 Ное 2006 13:02
Мнения: 8412
Местоположение: Yuggoth
Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 27 Фев 2011 11:06

Ако верно са с нов, време беше.
Иначе нямам търпение и аз, играта 100% ще е добра, а да се надяваме че и много повече от това.


Профил Skype WWW

Псевдо рейцър
Регистриран на:
19 Дек 2009 00:17
Мнения: 2462
В момента играе: Всичко без аниме игри
Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 27 Фев 2011 12:30

играта ще е невероятна но и супер тежка... трябва да ъпгреидвам скоро :?

Drecher написа:
От Чернобил съм, единственият регистриран гражданин. Дръжа една баржа на брега на река Припят и я отдавам на безделници като теб. Цената за една нощувка е 2 бутилки водка и 5 минути да си удряш чатала с тухла.


Регистриран на:
29 Авг 2004 21:17
Мнения: 713
Местоположение: Dantooine
В момента играе: League of Legends
Mass Effect
Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 27 Фев 2011 19:54


Sirius написа:
п.с. Котаракът вкъщи, бидейки гаден езичник, нагъва шунка за 22 лв килото като невидял и се е охранил до внушителните 8 килограма.


Профил Skype WWW

Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 01 Мар 2011 11:42

Вчера ми донесоха Alienware-a. Ник'ви притеснения нямам откъмто технично ниво. :lol:

Просто седя и си чакам тихичко играта. Знае се, че ще е култ.



Регистриран на:
28 Мар 2007 07:54
Мнения: 2959
Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 01 Мар 2011 18:11

Трябва да изпратя едно оплакване до BioWare и Bethesda, съдържащо графика на назпитите през лятната ми сесия и броят страници, които имам да прочета. :?

For all those who said this day would never come, what are they to say now?

Penny написа:
ave isus e pokemon ve


Регистриран на:
29 Авг 2004 21:17
Мнения: 713
Местоположение: Dantooine
В момента играе: League of Legends
Mass Effect
Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 01 Мар 2011 18:14

Fenrir написа:
Трябва да изпратя едно оплакване до BioWare и Bethesda, съдържащо графика на назпитите през лятната ми сесия и броят страници, които имам да прочета. :?

Е Скайрим излиза чак ноевмри :P

Sirius написа:
п.с. Котаракът вкъщи, бидейки гаден езичник, нагъва шунка за 22 лв килото като невидял и се е охранил до внушителните 8 килограма.


Профил Skype WWW

Регистриран на:
28 Мар 2007 07:54
Мнения: 2959
Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 01 Мар 2011 18:17

Jedi Knight написа:
Fenrir написа:
Трябва да изпратя едно оплакване до BioWare и Bethesda, съдържащо графика на назпитите през лятната ми сесия и броят страници, които имам да прочета. :?

Е Скайрим излиза чак ноевмри :P

Няма значение, след тоя трейлър Обливиън е вече на компа ми.... :lol:

For all those who said this day would never come, what are they to say now?

Penny написа:
ave isus e pokemon ve


Регистриран на:
30 Ное 2006 13:02
Мнения: 8412
Местоположение: Yuggoth
Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 03 Мар 2011 13:16

Само да вметна : Ако на някой му се играе Обливиън, но вече я е превъртал и му се иска нещо по-така , да пробва мода Nehrim. Прави съвсем нова игра, нов свят, с някакво чувство на Gothic 1 в цялата работа.


Леле, пак ми се доигра. :shock:


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Регистриран на:
04 Окт 2010 11:06
Мнения: 375
Местоположение: Just not here
В момента играе: Skyrim, Titan Quest
Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 03 Мар 2011 16:40

Хм, интересно изглежда, може и да се пробва.

Китките помнят цвета...

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Регистриран на:
29 Авг 2004 21:17
Мнения: 713
Местоположение: Dantooine
В момента играе: League of Legends
Mass Effect
Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 27 Апр 2011 11:34

http://uk.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/elderscro ... e=previews

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMKJ9fDM ... ture=feedu

Sirius написа:
п.с. Котаракът вкъщи, бидейки гаден езичник, нагъва шунка за 22 лв килото като невидял и се е охранил до внушителните 8 килограма.


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Регистриран на:
22 Юни 2009 11:19
Мнения: 158
Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 06 Май 2011 18:16

Заинтругувахте ме с този мод Nehrim, играта от доста месеци ми е на компа, смятам да го пробвам. :)


Регистриран на:
12 Апр 2004 00:12
Мнения: 437
Местоположение: Pernik
В момента играе: DOOM,QUAKE II,RAGE,GOTHIC 3,Redneck Rampage,Outlaws,Diablo II,Blade of Darkness,excalibur-wow.com
Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 10 Май 2011 21:38

хора как може да има такива индианци които да сравняват ънрил енджин с този ?
ако бяха толко тъпи че да го ползват за тази игра, аз нямаше даже да я сложа на пс-то. то е смешен тоя енджин, напрао неква трагедия. предпочитам геймбриото, макар че ми е писнал да го гледам. жалко че не ползват id tech 5, НО може и да е за добро. просто фпс енджин и рпг има МНОГО разлика. явно индианците не я виждат. аз много уважавам енджина на Валв обаче тази игра Dark Messiah неможах да я играя. много ми я хвалеха, като видях енджина първо се накефих още от менютата, после играх 1 час и до там - НЕ СТАВА. неможе да хванеш готик 3 енджина да направиш фпс или обратното. просто не се връзва.
колкото за ънрил енджините за мен и за фпс не стават. НЕ играя игри с тоя енджин. кфото и да сложа 1 час макс и ДЕЛ от пс-то. явно само индианци го ползват и колкото и да е смотан еднжина тея където прават игри с него са още по смотани комерсиални идиоти и правят шитни като булетсторм.

така че евала че си правят най сетне техен енджин, който изглежда СУПЕР. до тук с темата графика, няма смисъл да се говори, тя няма да реши нищо. играта особено РПГ е геймплей. как ше са оръжията, бойната система, брони и тн.
играта има най епичния трейлър който съм виждал някога, с тоя глас на dwarf с драконите, вика и тн... дано има бойна система и оръжия брони.

лично за мен най яките игри от типа Third-Person са Готик и Blade of Darkness. особено 2рата за мен е като Дуум, ВЕЧНА. Цял живот ше чакам пак такъв шедьовър...

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Регистриран на:
29 Авг 2004 21:17
Мнения: 713
Местоположение: Dantooine
В момента играе: League of Legends
Mass Effect
Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 10 Май 2011 21:59

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Un ... gine_games

@NIN: Няма да коментирам поста ти, мисля, че списъка говори сам по себе си.

Sirius написа:
п.с. Котаракът вкъщи, бидейки гаден езичник, нагъва шунка за 22 лв килото като невидял и се е охранил до внушителните 8 килограма.


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но с големо съ̀рце
Регистриран на:
14 Май 2005 18:21
Мнения: 4847
Местоположение: The city of Neverwinter
В момента играе: A dance with rogues
Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 19 Май 2011 12:21

Интервю с лийд дизайнера:
Преведено е набързо от норвежки, затова е... "странно" на места :roll:

What does "Dragonborn" really mean?

- Dragonborn means that someone is born with the soul of a dragon. We do not want to say too much about what this means in Skyrim,
but there have been several such transferor born in previous Elder Scrolls games, and naming shows that they have been given special gifts of the gods.

Can you combine shouts?

- It was possible at first, but we found out it was really confusing, so we removed it. Instead, the game will combine shouts for you, automatically, whenever possible.

How many shouts is there in total?

- Right now we have about 20 shouts with three levels each, so we are talking about over 60 different shouts in total. We expect to end up with a few more before finish.

Can you explain the experience-system of Skyrim? Is it forcing you to go up in level? Is there any maximum limit?

- We think we've solved that problem this time. All skills will make you go up in experience level, but the higher the amount of experience you have in a skill, the greater the impact it has on leveling.
One thing we've noticed is that people look at their character and use the skills they have trained most.
Now you can be a magician and find a sword and use it for a long time without affecting your level of experience much. You will always be best served by focusing on something,
but this game makes it very easy to vary. Using the weapon in two hands independent of each other was actually something we came on late in development, because it felt so natural with the new control system.

Can you explain the dynamic of their storytelling?

- We developed a system for Fallout 3, which generated random encounters with different beings. And we thought, "what if we put this in the system? ". Therefore, we chose to integrate it in all missions in Skyrim.
And it turned out that it sucked, because it is too flat and transparent. So we went back to writing all missions and stories by hand.

Some of the missions will still contain dynamic storytelling. Instead of very fixed roles, for example a specific client that sends you to regain the specific child,
this system can be specified to interpret it as "the child of a person in the city have disappeared," and "find a random cave where it might be. "

One thing we have struggled with in our games is control. Because some players are not experienced enough to handle the freedom that we offer.
This system allows us to guide them to a greater extent. It ranges widely, from small random assignment to larger assignments where we ask the game to bring
out "the next character who hates the main character" or something like that.
We used that fact in one of the missions you saw. If your client dies, his sister will take over his store, and be quest-giver.

How do you handle the dialogue and voice acting for this type of missions?

We get voice actors to record the options for this type of mission, and we have learned us to write in a way to hide these "holes". An employer may say, for example,
"my child has been abducted to a cave nearby, you will get a reward if you get it."
You do not think about that the employer never mentions what your reward. It has been very difficult to get everything to sound right.

Is there a limit to the highest level of experience?

- No. That is, there's probably a mathematical limit, but like in Oblivion, it is resolved so that we do not put a permanent roof on it. We'll let things happen.
We have tried to balance it to the better, by allowing you to increase faster in experience-level. We look at Oblivion and Fallout 3 as level 1 to 25-games. This is a level 1 to 50-game.
But we have only increased the pace of leveling. Much of the character's strength lies in the skills, and there are many of them. We wanted quick things up a bit.
But the mathematical limit is probably around level 70

How to scale the PC version compared to the console version?

- I believe that it scales as expected. There are certain things we do with the PC versions of all our games. For example you can make the textures as large as you want.
In addition, you will of course have other solutions available. Something we have focused on is that the game will look the same no matter what distance you are sitting on,
so it suits for both console- and PC-players.

How do you handle the difficulty of the game?

- We haven't actually thought about it much. In Oblivion, we had a slider and in Fallout 3, we went over to a button with different levels.
I think people are more familiar with "easy, medium, hard," but it's hard to say exactly what system will end up with in the end.

How big is the world compared to Oblivion, and how diverse is the environment?

- If you put the maps on top of each other it is about as big as its predecessor. But Skyrim is different because of all the mountains that form our routes.
The terrain makes it smaller in practice, but you spend more time trying to move through it because they often can not be crossed. So it probably seems bigger.

- About variation. You have already seen the spruce forests and mountain-ranges. We also have grassy tundras, a volcanic tundra, an forest in the theme of autumn and a glacier.
There are about six or seven distinct types of environments. The changes are much more obvious than in Fallout 3 and Oblivion.

Can we continue to explore freely without anyone trying to lead the player?

- We usually try to not lead the player in any way. The dynamic storytelling will only make generic tasks more enjoyable.
You will find the same game-flow as in our other releases, and we are trying only to toss you around a little bit, by including the use of the compass.
Before you complete a mission or task, we want the player to possibly find two or three new ones on the way.

You mentioned that one can affect the cities' and settlements' economy. Can you explain this?

- The ability to play with the economy is something that always looks good on paper, but if it is too realistic for the player, he will never notice it. It doesn't bother you that arrows is a tiny bit cheaper.
Instead we've tried to remove things from the economic system, so it is more noticeable. The player has resources that are directly connected to trade-skills.
Mining and smelting affects blacksmiths, farms affect food which in turn affects the ingredients which in turn affects alchemy.
We have not quite figured out how we solve this system yet, but it is something we are working on.

Does the enemies level up together with the player, or is their strength set from before?

- We have had some dynamics of this system in all our games, but it was too much of it in Oblivion. The short version is that the current is very similar to the one in Fallout 3,
but we are trying to signal the areas that are harder than others. We would like that the players pounded their heads against the wall and shouting "I'm a wimp," if they enter the wrong area,
but they should be able to use all their resources to push through a difficult area if they wish.

- Are there mounts in the game?

- There are boats, but you can not sail them. In relation to horses and other mounts, it is something we want, but we are still experimenting with how. We exclude them, definitely not, but we will ensure that the game adds something. Horses have evolved much in the game, and we will do it properly if we choose to include them.

- What was the idea behind designing a skill tree that resembles constellations?

- I worked with the interface and wanted to take a step away from Excel spreadsheets and the typical system we find in RPGs. So I tried a number of options, including one where you look over your right shoulder to look at your weapons, left shoulder to check out the magic and the stars to see who you are. It was the foundation. In the previous Elder Scrolls games, we have also had the asterisk, and we would gather all these into one system.

- Can you say a bit about the differences between the caves?

- We stock them still in kit form, and it's something we've done since Terminator: Future Shock. The difference is that we have become better at it. We have been better to make the environment more organic and uses several building blocks. For example, many types of caves in the game. Overgrown moss caves and ice caves are a few of them. We also have a cave inside a glacier and an imperial fort. Altogether there are probably five or six general construction sets, but within them there is much variation.

- How do you handle the level design of the game differently from Oblivion

- In Oblivion we let the visual designers take care of the caves, also we had a couple of specific "level designers" who went over them afterwards. There was nothing wrong with them, but they could have been better. So now we have a bunch of the eight-nine is really talented. At last count we had about 120 real caves, and more than 100 common points of interest outside. The game is actually too big.

- Is there a set number of dragons in the game?

- No, there is an unlimited number of dragons. One of our designers actually put in a random event I encountered, where I ended up being chased by three dragons and I thought "who the hell did this?" I felt like Frodo in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and was really frightened. So I asked him to remove it. But no, dragons are generated automatically (in addition to that there are a number of specific encounters, of course).

- Are all dragons aggressive towards the player?

- All dragons speak, it's actually what they do when they are spouting fire. Fighting games are debatering for these creatures. There are some dragons who speak the "common tongue" and make themselves understood to people, I cannot divulge more right now.

- Why did it take five games before we got to see dragons?

- Everyone asks us about - multiplayer and dragons. For one thing, we think that it is a bit cliché. We have never seen a game dealing with dragons as Jurassic Park handles dinosaurs. We wanted to do it properly. What happens if they chase me? How does a city if I go on? How does it feel to fight a dragon? When we first decided to take them so was Skyrim right setting.

- How do you lockpicking?

- We have a mini game for it. I hate the concept of mini-games! "It's also a mini game for battle!". What I mean is that if there is a skill for it, then there must be some kind of interaction onscreen, so it is not a [behind the scenes] roll.

- The inventory system looks very good, but you can compare objects?

- Right now there is support for it, but it is about halfway complete. You will see green and red arrows indicating whether items are up-or downgrades, but you have to compare objects individually. We want to organize it in a list where you see all the objects that are better than your current one.

- What can you say about the game's cities? In Fallout 3 screenshots from different cities were very iconic. In Oblivion, they were less recognizable. Have you worked with this?

- Definitely! We have five major cities, and they are very, very unique. Have you seen the trailer? There you will see a couple of them. Furthermore, we have nine different regions, each ruled by its earl. Five of these cities, also we have four with some smaller villages. It's probably eight or nine small towns combined.

- You have mentioned that the dialogue system is simplified, and that players learn much of the backstory by passive calls. Can you say more about this?

- One thing we've noticed is that a few people will lose something, then we will arrange it so often that you have a dialogue choices that are like "would you like to hear my life story?". Sometimes they give you the background story of such a cave, and when we feel it is better to present it as a normal conversation that you can only listen to.

- How many characters can we kill? Is it possible to go on killing expeditions and wipe out entire cities?

- Yes, you can wipe out virtually the entire city. I think that is one thing that everyone says that they will do, but nobody does. And it takes us months of development to make it possible. But yeah, we try to accommodate and incorporate this as best as we can.

- In Oblivion, it was possible to find a unique unicorn. Is there such a thing in Skyrim too, for example an abominable snowman?

- I will not reveal everything here, this is a treat in the game! But yes, we have a hidden content, and it's not a unicorn.

- Morrowind and Oblivion had huge modding development community among the players. Is there anything they have created which you have chosen to integrate into Skyrim?

- Yep, a lot actually. Much of what goes on the balance sheet. For example, where quick progress should be, or how difficult the game is. One modification we've learned a lot from is actually very simple, and played on how archers works. Bows were much harder to draw back and cause more damage. It's something you feel good in Skyrim.

- In Oblivion game performance began to decline after a while. Have you fixed this?

- This is actually something we sorted out with a patch for Oblivion. I feel that we have much better grip on the platforms we are developing now. This is still a game people can come to play over 500 hours, and it is a challenge for us. We are much better, but cannot guarantee that you can play so long without problems.

If one core attributes such as strength and endurance in addition to the more specific?

- Okay, so you have 21 different skills. Then there are three core attributes: magic, health and stamina. A fan can come to say "you removed my eight favorite capabilities," and I reply "what do you want?". "I must have intelligence, because it affects my magic." Well, now you have a simple statistic of magic. Want to increase your skills in magic as you put points in magic, you do not have to detour through intelligence.

- Skyrim will be the first involvement many have with The Elder Scrolls series. Do you do anything to make the start of the series smoother?

- We assume always that you have not played any of our previous games. All games are on their own feet. I think that this is easier to get into because of the way it starts. Many players are introduced to our games because they are might be accustomed to the Call of Duty and thinking "alright, I will try role playing." Our experience is that these players can handle the depth after a few hours.

- In previous games many were increased skills by casting the "unlock door" fifty times on a door, and the like. Is this still possible?

- We have resolved most of these issues. Some of the skills we have, for example, gotten rid of, like "Athletics" and "Acrobatics". For who creates a character and think "I'll role-play a guy who runs"? Much of the repetitive action program is usually just removed.

- How much freedom does the new game engine provide compared to Gamebryo ?

- Many believe Gamebryo is a game engine, and it is not - it's a middleware. When we used it to Fallout 3 and Oblivion so we did a lot of graphics work, now we're doing everything ourself. We notice it most in flexibility. Do we want to add new magic effects, we have far more leeway now. We also have a new system to make trees now. We previously used Speed ​​Tree, which has been replaced with our own system that allows us to create more detailed flora.

- Much so-called "middleware" is very good, and I like it well. We use such as Havok physics engine yet. The problem is that they must create solutions that work for everyone and we want something that is tailor-made for us in the greatest possible extent.

- In the previous games many characters shared the same voice acting. Have you improved this?

- Definitely. We are continuously working on this since Morrowind and it was better in both Oblivion and Fallout 3 We have many more voice actors this time.

- How do actors react to this? Will they engage more?

- Yes, it's something we've noticed. We can imagine, "Liam Neeson would be a wonderful father for this game," and actually be able to get Liam Neeson on the team. It is probably because the series has become more well known, but video games have generally been given more leeway in the collective consciousness. For many actors, it is cool to do voice acting for video games, and it's not about money. It's good art, and the agents tell them that it's good for their career.

- Are there children in the game?

- Yes, there are children in the game.

- Can they be knocked unconscious?

- No, they can not be unconscious. This system is like in Fallout 3

A man was hospitalized with 6 plastic horses up his ass. The doctors described his condition as stable.

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19 Дек 2009 00:17
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Заглавие: Re: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Публикувано на: 19 Май 2011 12:46

нещо ми намирисва тука :roll:
някои от нещата ок ама други :|

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От Чернобил съм, единственият регистриран гражданин. Дръжа една баржа на брега на река Припят и я отдавам на безделници като теб. Цената за една нощувка е 2 бутилки водка и 5 минути да си удряш чатала с тухла.

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