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Регистриран на:
04 Сеп 2005 01:14
Мнения: 56
Местоположение: Някъде във Вселената!
Заглавие: GTA 4 Официална тема
Публикувано на: 25 Окт 2007 15:30

General Information:

Published by: Rockstar Games
Developed by: Rockstar North
Genre: Action/Adventure
Number of Players: 1 - ?
Release Date:
US: Delayed Until 2008
EU: Delayed Until 2008
Media: Blu Ray
Platform: PS3
Downloadable Content: UNKNOWN
Setting: Liberty City


GTA IV takes place in Liberty City.
Main Character

His name is Niko Bellic.
He is Russian
He is in his mid-thirties.
He wants to live the American Dream.
Can use a cellphone to call contacts.
Character movements are more realistic.
Changing clothes is possible
Can climb ladders
You can use the internet by using a computer found in LC.
You can see the damage that is done to you. If you get shot, you will see it on Niko.
Eating and sleeping helps you recharge.

You may call contacts using the cellphone
When selecting a contact, several commands are made avalable such as "meet me here"
You can call people to buy weapons. They will tell you where to meet them in order to obtain the weapons.

You have more freedom, more choices, and more sense of control over destiny.
Story unfolds in a number of different ways.
You have more choice in what you want to do.

The map is smaller then San Andreas, but it is more detailed.
Rockstar has recreated 4 of the 5 boroughs and has also included a part of New Jersey.
- Brooklyn = Broker
- Manhattan = Algonquin
- Queens = Dukes
- Bronx = Bohan
- New Jersey = Alderney
The Statue of Liberty is called The Statue of Happiness.
When the terrain changed, the character movement animation changes as well.
Each street in GTA IV is individually named
There is no more health pickups scattered throughout the city.

There are no airplanes in GTA IV.
Helicopters are included though, and you will be able to pilot them.
Traffic flow is different, depending on the time of day.
Boats are confirmed
You must smash the window and hot-wire a car in order to steal it
When a car passes you will be able to hear the radio outside.
You can choose up to four different camera angles when you are in a car.
Car windows are openable.
The Stallion from previous GTA games has returned. It can be seen in trailer 2.
You can use taxis to get around.
- When you hail a taxi and get in, you have an option to sit back and watch the ride, or skip it and get to the location.
- You can also pay the taxi driver double the fare so he can go twice as fast.

Far more realistic.
Sit on benches, smoke cigarettes, read books, and more.
Pedestrians are different depending on the time of day.

After the first loading sequence finishes when you turn on the game, there will be no more loading screens. This includes going in and out of buildings.

More realistic missions.
Will have multiple possible outcomes.
Developing relationships with different characters is important. There will be different relationships for each character, allowing you to have different outcomes. Differenet relationships provide different rewards.

Hand to hand combat is being worked on
Shooting different parts of the body has different outcomes.

The police are more vigilant in GTA IV. It is harder to exscape.
You get a Wanted Level Star for every crime you commit. But only if someone sees you commit the crime.
When you get the star, a circle on the map appears, which is the search area. That is where cops will be searching.
You can get out of the search area and lose the wanted level stars if noone sees you. If you are seen however, the search area circle moves to where you were spotted.
This means that the cops will not always know where you are like in previous GTA games.
The circle differs in size depending on your wanted level.
Pay N' Spray will not help you get away anymore.

Niko Bellic was pursuaded to move to Liberty City by his cousin, Roman. Roman told Niko that he had two beautiful women, fast cars, and lots of money. But that was not true, in fact he told Niko all of that because he wanted to hide the fact that he is a liar.

Roman is the only person Niko knows when he gets to Liberty City. He becomes one of your major connections from the start. But he needs Nikos support, because he is in terrible debt, and many people are after him.


Niko Bellic
Main Character

Nikos Cousin

Corrupt Cop

Little Jacob
Caribbean Arms Dealer

Tom Goldberg
Shady Lawyer

Дядо ми се прави на Нео ;) ЦЪК

Профил Skype

Регистриран на:
20 Окт 2007 22:55
Мнения: 280
Местоположение: Негован
Публикувано на: 25 Окт 2007 15:37

Жалко че ще излезе чак догодина.И се надявам изискванията да не са супер високи.

Профил Skype WWW

Регистриран на:
04 Сеп 2005 01:14
Мнения: 56
Местоположение: Някъде във Вселената!
Публикувано на: 25 Окт 2007 15:38

И аз се надявам на същото, щото с мойта средновековна щайтичка за картофи ше се хапнем май отзад, като гледам графиката... :?

Дядо ми се прави на Нео ;) ЦЪК

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Регистриран на:
03 Апр 2007 18:11
Мнения: 1019
Местоположение: On The Ares
Публикувано на: 25 Окт 2007 16:32

На моята печка нищо не тръгва :cry: :cry: .Нищо нали ще зи взимам нова та ще я подкарам

Use Google Sucker

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Регистриран на:
20 Май 2006 16:45
Мнения: 910
Публикувано на: 25 Окт 2007 16:36

сигурно ще е готина играта


Регистриран на:
21 Фев 2007 11:59
Мнения: 1639
Публикувано на: 25 Окт 2007 16:41

Вие,давате ли си сметка че Rockstar не са издавали игра за PC от 3 години ;p


Регистриран на:
10 Юли 2004 06:39
Мнения: 6843
Местоположение: София
Публикувано на: 25 Окт 2007 17:56

Сега последно ще има ли ПС версия?

Профил Skype

Регистриран на:
10 Авг 2005 07:36
Мнения: 850
Местоположение: Варна
Публикувано на: 25 Окт 2007 18:23

Indiana Jones™ написа:
Сега последно ще има ли ПС версия?

Съмнявам се да е само за PS2 or else ... всяка игра с времето излиза за ПС :p btw то и NFS Most Wanted беше само за плейстейшън ама излезе и за ПС... :wink: (все пак като го направят и за ПС ще печелят повече $ (а това всеки го иска)) :wink:

Пука ми, че ми дреме

Профил Skype WWW

Регистриран на:
04 Сеп 2005 01:14
Мнения: 56
Местоположение: Някъде във Вселената!
Публикувано на: 25 Окт 2007 18:52

Почти сигурен съм че ще я има и за PC ;)

Дядо ми се прави на Нео ;) ЦЪК

Профил Skype

Регистриран на:
04 Сеп 2005 01:14
Мнения: 56
Местоположение: Някъде във Вселената!
Публикувано на: 25 Окт 2007 19:04

А някой да знае трейларчета на геймплея(не онова със сталиона, и тва първото!!!)
Май бях гледал някво по YouTube дето беше за стрелбата в играта, обаче сега не мога да го намеря!!!

Дядо ми се прави на Нео ;) ЦЪК

Профил Skype

Регистриран на:
04 Апр 2005 18:56
Мнения: 847
Местоположение: Пловдив
Публикувано на: 25 Окт 2007 20:44

Да за PC ще има. Засега насрочената дата е края на 2008 (най-рано).

Кирилица goes Jason

Профил Skype

Регистриран на:
10 Авг 2005 07:36
Мнения: 850
Местоположение: Варна
Публикувано на: 25 Окт 2007 21:15

btw относно анкетата... рано е според мен да вадим заключения дали е яка или не е... още никой е я е играл и др... но все пак гласувах за да понеже се надявам да е хубава :wink:

Пука ми, че ми дреме

Профил Skype WWW

Регистриран на:
04 Сеп 2005 01:14
Мнения: 56
Местоположение: Някъде във Вселената!
Публикувано на: 25 Окт 2007 21:30

Гласуванията са според трейлъри, това което може да се прави в играта и др. неща!

Дядо ми се прави на Нео ;) ЦЪК

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