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19 Дек 2009 00:17
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Заглавие: Shadow Of War
Публикувано на: 11 Мар 2017 14:38

Ако наистина кът сцените не са повтарящи се, примерно използват различни анимации или ъгли на камерата.. Това ще бъде една велика игра
Spoiler for :
Malick Gerlachпреди 10 часа
Okay i just watched the Stream of one of the Developers he confirmed amongst other things, this gonna be a long List guys !

1. There are multiple areas which are unlocked trough the Conquering of the Castle which all are bigger then the previous maps in the first game with Mission and Side Quest for each Hub, and the World will change depending on the Overlord you put in place.

2. HE has confirmed that you will be able to save you're guys from Dying, when the big guy goes down in the regular game he will be able to be patched up and most likely depending on how tough he is will have to retreat or fight further.

3. You're Followers can be given the Role of a Bodyguard and can be called on like in the Boss Battle at anytime, or they will help you in the fight if they can see you and reach you. So if you're dude isn't standing next to you and isn't a Magician or Archer he wont be able to help so easily. Maybe some will throw axes i don't know.

4. The Betrayal will work in such a way that people can start to hate some actions you take, for example Uruk 1 hates Uruk 2 and you promoted Uruks 2 so Uruk 1 is so pissed of he joins the Dark Lord again. Other ways are you leaving them behind wounded on the battlefield or retreating without them.

5. Some Uruks will be without mind control and follow you out of either liking you or hating Sauron.

6. There are around 20 of these Fortresses from what i could tell.

7. Ring wraiths will be fought in game but from what i could tell only in Story they aren't a Thing in the normal world and always encountered trough Side Quest or Main Quests.

8. You're Fortress can be attacked and reclaimed

9. Drakes exist in the free world and can be used without restriction.

10. Every Uruks you have can be trained and Upgraded into different classes. There are two ways that could be done either making them a different class like turning a Beast Master into a Flame User OR upgrading a Beast Master into a sort of Beast Lord which can command bigger and better creatures, also upgrading his Gear is possible.

11. He has said since he was asked so many times that yes it was a goddamn god mode. There was infinite arrows health and Executions, also he was pretty much mid game so he had some pretty decent loot already. Oh and you know he didn't want to waste the 16 Minutes on some dude dying and tacking 16 Minutes to beat the first gate.

12. You're Fortress is improvable and the defenses are Changeable. You can recreate the entire Fortress of this Gameplay trailer, with the Oil the Drake and the Boulder Throwing Graug. A fully upgraded Castle will be much harder to take with much more Points and much more possible Warchiefs to defend the castle.

13. Talion will get his beard back. I personally liked him this more but many people asked for it.

14. Uruks weak to fire can die instantly like the Uruk in the Trailer and Uruks immune to it will be able to power trough and take part in the battle.

15. Wounds on the Uruks are a little more detailed, they aren't just three cuts and the same Burn Mark. If a guy gets killed by a dragon ad he comes back he will look pretty fucked up, a guy who got hit with the sword not so much.

16. Overlords can be taken over instead of completely out in the regular game. They didn't do this in the gameplay cause they wanted to show that you can promote you're own dude instead and they change it does to the world.

17. The Balrog is an In Game Enemy, I know no shit but some people thought he was gonna be some Object thats just in Cutscenes. He is not.

18. Talion will interact with his Uruks more, besides of giving them a pat on the back for good work like with the "Nice Shot" comment he will be able to get attached to Uruks. Urks can get attached to Uruks

19. Uruks no longer have to be grabbed to be tuned like its shown in the gameplay you can do so like with regular Uruks in the first game by holding B, but only after you weaken or terrify them enough.

20. Depending on the Difference of Power you're Uruks can pretty much take care of the battle for you if you want. If you send in a Level 50 Dude against a whole Castle of 10 they can be pretty much killed without harming a single hair on you're Uruks face.

21 and last one they have said the will do further Q&A in the following weeks so stay tuned.
Hope i could help.

Drecher написа:
От Чернобил съм, единственият регистриран гражданин. Дръжа една баржа на брега на река Припят и я отдавам на безделници като теб. Цената за една нощувка е 2 бутилки водка и 5 минути да си удряш чатала с тухла.


The King of Kings
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26 Дек 2002 14:16
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Заглавие: Re: Shadow Of War
Публикувано на: 14 Мар 2017 05:43

Първата доста ми допадна. Тази на пръв поглед има огромен потециал.
Надявам се да се врътва бързо, за да не ми опропасти плановете за лятото :lol:

az se nadqvam planeta turneto da e ludnica taq godina!

Профил ICQ

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18 Дек 2016 16:45
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В момента играе: Soldier of Fortune, Vivisector: Beast Within
Заглавие: Re: Shadow Of War
Публикувано на: 30 Окт 2017 08:05

Тази игра е над сто гигабайта.

"Carthago delenda est"

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