Форум на PC Mania

Which discworld character are you like?
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Автор:  Хърф [ 06 Дек 2008 01:38 ]
Заглавие:  Which discworld character are you like?

http://quizfarm.com/quizzes/new/iNDERU/ ... with-pics/

You Scored as Lord Havelock Vetinari

You are Lord Vetinari! Supreme ruler of Ankh-Morpork! Cool, calculated, and always in control. You graduated from the assassins guild, but failed a course on stealth and camouflage, because the professor never saw you there (even though you attended every class). You always seem to know what everyone is thinking, and after a conversation with you, people feel that they have just escaped certain death.

Lord Havelock Vetinari      
Commander Samuel Vimes      
The Librarian      
Esmerelda (Granny) Weatherwax      
Gytha (Nanny) Ogg      
Carrot Ironfounderson      
Cohen The Barbarian      

Аз съм Ветинари. А вие?

Автор:  The Grim Reaper [ 06 Дек 2008 01:49 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?

И аз. И далеч не се изненадвам.

Автор:  Der Meister [ 06 Дек 2008 01:54 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?

You Scored as Gytha (Nanny) Ogg
You are Nanny Ogg! A talented witch, able to make yourself at home wherever you are, and insist that Greebo is just a big softie. You enjoy drinking, a lot, and singing about a hedgehog. You have a huge family, and get your daughters-in-law to do most of the housework. You are kind and gentle, and help put people at ease.

Gytha (Nanny) Ogg
Lord Havelock Vetinari
Commander Samuel Vimes
Cohen The Barbarian
The Librarian
Carrot Ironfounderson
Esmerelda (Granny) Weatherwax

Тъй като ми се спи някои въпроси не ги разбрах много добре и отговарях напосоки.

Автор:  2D' [ 06 Дек 2008 01:56 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?

You Scored as Death
You are death! Reaper of souls! Riding your horse, Binky, with a scythe at hand. Always working, always busy??¦ You sometimes try to socialize with the living, and ALWAYS SPEAK IN CAPITAL LETTERS.
Якоо :lol:

Автор:  БИЛИслав [ 06 Дек 2008 09:37 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?

You Scored as Greebo

You are Greebo! The most evil cat in the entire Disc! Due to an old spell, your morphogenic field is a little mixed up, so you sometimes turn into a man. You enjoy killing, raping, torturing, playing with yarn and inspiring fear. When bored, you like to look for wolves to ???play" with.

Автор:  R@Z0R [ 06 Дек 2008 09:49 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?

You Scored as Lord Havelock Vetinari

You are Lord Vetinari! Supreme ruler of Ankh-Morpork! Cool, calculated, and always in control. You graduated from the assassins guild, but failed a course on stealth and camouflage, because the professor never saw you there (even though you attended every class). You always seem to know what everyone is thinking, and after a conversation with you, people feel that they have just escaped certain death.

Lord Havelock Vetinari
Esmerelda (Granny) Weatherwax
Gytha (Nanny) Ogg
The Librarian
Commander Samuel Vimes
Carrot Ironfounderson
Cohen The Barbarian
А за какво иде реч? :roll:

Автор:  Морт [ 06 Дек 2008 09:57 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?

You Scored as Esmerelda (Granny) Weatherwax

You are Granny Weatherwax! The most powerful witch on the Disc! You often use headology rather than actual spells, and are a very good witch, despite the fact that you sometimes wish you were a bad one. You play a mean game of Cripple Mr. Onion, and have a very powerful stare. By the way, you should really get that broom fixed??¦

Брей :roll:. Има нещо такова в характера ми, но честно казано винаги съм се оприличавал повече на Ринсуинд.

Автор:  Sentry [ 06 Дек 2008 10:03 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?

You Scored as The Librarian

You??™re the Librarian! Once a wizard, now an Orang-utan (due to an unfortunate magical accident), you refuse to be turned back for a few reasons: In this form, it??™s easier to reach the shelves and hold more books; having the strength of five men makes people return their books on time; life??™s great philosophical questions boil down to ???when do I get my next banana???? You say ???ook??? but are usually understood well enough.

The Librarian
Carrot Ironfounderson
Lord Havelock Vetinari
Commander Samuel Vimes
Gytha (Nanny) Ogg
Esmerelda (Granny) Weatherwax
Cohen The Barbarian

Автор:  botlik3 [ 06 Дек 2008 10:47 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?

Някъв морков ми каза, че съм. :lol:

Автор:  Toxsick_Vomit [ 06 Дек 2008 10:57 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?

И аз съм Лорд Ветинари. :)

Автор:  Omega-x [ 06 Дек 2008 11:04 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?

You Scored as Gytha (Nanny) Ogg

You are Nanny Ogg! A talented witch, able to make yourself at home wherever you are, and insist that Greebo is just a big softie. You enjoy drinking, a lot, and singing about a hedgehog. You have a huge family, and get your daughters-in-law to do most of the housework. You are kind and gentle, and help put people at ease.

Автор:  Draksis [ 06 Дек 2008 11:13 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?

The Librarian.

Яко, посмях се.

Автор:  Till.Lindemann [ 06 Дек 2008 11:33 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?

Автор:  Firzen [ 06 Дек 2008 12:28 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?

You Scored as Rincewind

You are Rincewind! Greatest survivor of all times! But a rather inept "wizzard". You seem to be going from bad to worse, without slowing down. Rather miserable with your luck, the luggage that follows you around offers little comfort!


Автор:  Tiny [ 06 Дек 2008 12:56 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?

You Scored as The Librarian

You??™re the Librarian! Once a wizard, now an Orang-utan (due to an unfortunate magical accident), you refuse to be turned back for a few reasons: In this form, it??™s easier to reach the shelves and hold more books; having the strength of five men makes people return their books on time; life??™s great philosophical questions boil down to ???when do I get my next banana???? You say ???ook??? but are usually understood well enough.

The Librarian
Carrot Ironfounderson
Esmerelda (Granny) Weatherwax
Gytha (Nanny) Ogg
Cohen The Barbarian
Commander Samuel Vimes
Lord Havelock Vetinari

Автор:  Хърф [ 06 Дек 2008 16:15 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?

Честно казано, повече съм се оприличавал на Библиотекаря, но и Ветинари е близък до характера ми.

Автор:  Bethrezen [ 06 Дек 2008 20:13 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?


Автор:  I_Hate_Noise [ 06 Дек 2008 22:05 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?

аз излязох тоя първия

не знам кво ще рече това, незапознат съм с discworld.

Автор:  Existence [ 06 Дек 2008 23:42 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?

Излезе, че съм Керът :) Ама бях на tie-breaker въпрос :)

Теста може да се използва и за "колко добре познаваш героите от света на Диска?" ако се опитваш да докараш някого :D

Автор:  AlShu [ 08 Дек 2008 12:12 ]
Заглавие:  Re: Which discworld character are you like?

Теста може да се използва и за "колко добре познаваш героите от света на Диска?" ако се опитваш да докараш някого

Аз на доста очевидни "Ринсуинд" въпроси отговорих с твърдо не и пак ме изкара, че съм най-близко до него...явно приличам най-много на него в сравнение с другите герои примерно...

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