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Регистриран на:
11 Юли 2008 08:00
Мнения: 418
Местоположение: Дерник
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 12:04

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey
You: hi
You: :)
You: asl
Stranger: m uk 17
You: m bg 17
Stranger: whats bg
You: Bulgaria
You: :D
Stranger: Awesome. So thats were
Your conversational partner has disconnected


Summoning his cosmic powers
And glowing slightly from his toes
His psychic emanations fly


Регистриран на:
21 Мар 2002 19:51
Мнения: 10955
Местоположение: София
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 12:08

Не е истина колко сте задръстени

Гипчо ( ◕ Y ◕ )


Регистриран на:
11 Юли 2008 08:00
Мнения: 418
Местоположение: Дерник
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 12:22

Стига па ти бе, Гипчо. Аре влез във филма.

Summoning his cosmic powers
And glowing slightly from his toes
His psychic emanations fly


Регистриран на:
21 Мар 2002 19:51
Мнения: 10955
Местоположение: София
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 12:32

www.pornhub.com > www.omegle.com

Гипчо ( ◕ Y ◕ )


Регистриран на:
11 Юли 2008 08:00
Мнения: 418
Местоположение: Дерник
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 14:19

Ей, ако имаш платен акаунт, става ли да попиташ в чатрума за някоя навита в Перник освен Дианка? :roll:

Summoning his cosmic powers
And glowing slightly from his toes
His psychic emanations fly


Регистриран на:
21 Мар 2002 19:51
Мнения: 10955
Местоположение: София
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 15:00

Ми за Перник не знам, ама ей сега мога да ти пратя няколко от София :D

Гипчо ( ◕ Y ◕ )


Регистриран на:
11 Юли 2008 08:00
Мнения: 418
Местоположение: Дерник
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 16:30

:o :o :o кв. "Иван Пашов" 12/82 Вратата е отключена. :D

Summoning his cosmic powers
And glowing slightly from his toes
His psychic emanations fly


Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 17:57

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
Stranger: hi!
You: Who are you?
Stranger: I am John.Do you want to fuck me?
You: No!
Your conversational partner has disconnected



Регистриран на:
09 Авг 2005 20:59
Мнения: 11346
Местоположение: Rousse
В момента играе: опаааааа
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 19:36

След 50-56-я път ми писна да еба и простотията.

Where The Eagles Fly I Will Soon Be There

Профил Skype

Регистриран на:
05 Юли 2006 13:52
Мнения: 8122
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 22:49

бтв какъв беше шансът да се паднеш с някой от България?


Регистриран на:
03 Юли 2004 10:29
Мнения: 135
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 08 Апр 2009 12:05

Stranger: SEX NOW
You: Agreed
Stranger: f?
You: homo
Stranger: gay
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Защо се плашат всички като напиша думичката homo :D

Have no fear, papabear is here


Регистриран на:
11 Юли 2008 08:00
Мнения: 418
Местоположение: Дерник
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 08 Апр 2009 12:33

Вече е old. Осъзнайте го.

Summoning his cosmic powers
And glowing slightly from his toes
His psychic emanations fly


Регистриран на:
22 Яну 2009 21:47
Мнения: 20
Местоположение: гр. Шумен
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 08 Апр 2009 15:06

Мани, мани ебати сайта.


Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 08 Апр 2009 18:02

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
Stranger: hi!
Your conversational partner has disconnected


Регистриран на:
16 Юли 2007 13:18
Мнения: 345
Местоположение: София
В момента играе: Worms Armageddon, HoMM 4, The Lord of the Rings Online, Killing Floor, Alien Swarm
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 08 Апр 2009 18:09

хора ае някой да помогне - искам ей туй нещо да заприлича повече на ФАЛОС ( :D )
ше им го пускам на тея от омегле - някой ако може да го подобри ше съм му благодарен

/ \
/ І \
( І S І )
(( І І ))
(( І ! І ))
( І І )

едит : то пък не излиза нормално :cry:

И сам да съм у трамваю, па че се бутам.

Профил Skype

Регистриран на:
22 Яну 2009 21:47
Мнения: 20
Местоположение: гр. Шумен
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 08 Апр 2009 19:37

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: how are you
You: good
You: u?
Stranger: good
Stranger: where are you
Stranger: from
You: bulgaria
You: u?
Stranger: Canada
You: yeeeeeeea
You: send me another picture
Stranger: aha
Stranger: another picture?
You: foto
Stranger: no
You: why?
Stranger: I'd rather talk
Stranger: because I don't know you yet
You: I am Nikolay
You: u?
Stranger: Sam
You: male?
Stranger: female
Stranger: samantha
You: Do you want to fuck me?
Stranger: you?
You: male
You: nikolay
You: 19 years
Stranger: i'm 16
You: send me foto
You: please
Stranger: no i'm not sending you a picture
You: why?
Stranger: because i don't know you
You: and what?
You: where is the problem
You: skype?
Stranger: no I don't have skype
Stranger: just on here
You: you lied me
Stranger: no I didnt
You: ...
Stranger: about what?
Stranger: lets just talk here...
You: for what?
Stranger: what do you mean for what
Stranger: what kind of things do you like to do...
You: Have you ever been in Venice, Italy?
Stranger: yup I have
You: Before the day came from there
Stranger: I used to live in Milan so I've been there lots
You: Left with good impressions
Stranger: that's good
Stranger: do you have a girlfriend
You: prior to 2 months
You: u?
Stranger: nopee
You: Do you want to fuck me
Stranger: maybe
You: seriously you speak
You: phone sex
Stranger: no
Stranger: just here
You: ashamed of me?
Stranger: no
You: then why do you talk on the phone?
Stranger: I'm not giving you my number
You: Tell me why
You: where is the problem?
Stranger: fine if you dont want to thats fine
Stranger: i'll leave then
You: tell me
You: I want to ask so many things, but nemoga to speak freely on angliski language
Stranger: just ask
You: what are you doing in this chat?
Stranger: just talking to you
You: saw only thing they ask and you answer

Stranger: you can ask me anything
You: Should assume so. Ask what they are interested

Stranger: what?
You: I do not know what?

Stranger: what are you saying
You: ask what you care

Stranger: no you ask me
You: not want to know what I look like such?

Stranger: you can first
Stranger: you can ask me first
You: dates you want send a photo

Stranger: no i told you i'm not sending you a photo
You: Dai my number and call you

Stranger: no youre not calling me
Stranger: fine if you dont want to do anything on here i'm leaving
You: I dont answer the question

You: Do you want to fuck me?
Stranger: yes
Stranger: but on here
You: OK off my white slow

Stranger: okay
You: and start to feel your fingers to smooth down

Stranger: mmmokay
You: what can I do to feel that to me

Stranger: keep rubbing
Stranger: how is it
Stranger: keep going
Stranger: faster
You: you neaked?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: are you
You: Are you a virgin?
Stranger: no
You: almost
Stranger: almost
You: who have sex with and how old

Stranger: only once
Stranger: he was 17
You: u?
You: like it?

Stranger: 15
Stranger: yeah
You: but I had sex? or do you like?
Stranger: sorry what?
You: and what happened to the boy?

Stranger: we stopped seeing each other
You: why?
Stranger: because we broke up
Stranger: but thats not important
Stranger: what are you doing now
You: You don 't want to get to know better
You: I thought right for YOU:)

Stranger: aha its okay

Stranger: what are you wearing
You: You said that TASISH AVANTIURA

Stranger: what?

Stranger: okay good :)
You: Just out of BANY
Stranger: bany?
Stranger: nothingg
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 08 Апр 2009 21:26

teh bored troll is bored

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hullo
You: yo
Stranger: asl?
You: 33/male/iran
Stranger: mine's 26/f/CA
You: im a teacher
You: wanna buy my books
You: the first one
You: is called
You: How to become a kamikaze in a week
Stranger: what?
Stranger: hmm.. i couldve guessed
You: the second is about making diferent kind of explosives
You: its very cool here
Stranger: nono, i dont wanna know about bombs and stuff
You: a few days ago
Stranger: what do you have about illegal trading of little girls
You: nothing
Stranger: damn!
You: im explosive engineer
You: i can make bomb from everything
You: even from cows poo
Stranger: we got better than you sorry
You: yesterday i tryed
Stranger: we got a guy who can make a bomb out of duct tape ONLY
You: to make a bomb from a squirrel shit
You: i was so fun
Stranger: McMOTHERFUCKING Guyver
Stranger: no squirels in iran asshole
You: wtf
You: thats not true
You: here is not all desert if you think that
Stranger: :0
Stranger: isnt iran in the middle of sahara?
You: wtf no
You: uran is in west asia
You: not africa
You: iran*
Stranger: dont try to play smart with me you dsand nigger. im american. of course i know better then you
You: omg
You: check google if you dont believe me
You: ahahahhahahahahhahaha
Stranger: after we blow italy.
You: O'RLY ?
Stranger: YA RALY
Stranger: WANNA BET
You: R'U 'SHUT
You: ahahahhahaha
Stranger: wut yu laughing at asshole?
You: becouse im a ninja
You: a pink one
You: do you love drugs ?
You: are you here ?
Stranger: i said dont try to play smart with me. im away more intelligent then you guys. i got 108 in my iq test. and thats very much more than any sand nigger in the world
You: omg and you think thats enought
Stranger: no i hate drugs
You: ahahahhaha
Stranger: what? whats so funny?
You: you have 108 and you are proud with that
You: that not bad ,but that not high too
Stranger: yes. because its way above the IQ of your people
You: ahahah
You: so what my iq ?
You: lol
Stranger: i have done the iq test several times on facebook. always above 105. what you say about that asshole
Stranger: yes wats yous?
Stranger: *yours
You: hahahaha h i ve beem done a lots of test on the internet
You: and i always have more than 125-130
You: by brother have 1~40
You: ~140
You: let me gues
You: you are one fat ugly bitch
You: btw that was joke
You: im not from iran
Stranger: so?
You: and im not a explosive books writer and stuff
Stranger: from where ar you?
You: well im canadian
You: i love to make joke on ppls
Stranger: :o
Stranger: and your real age?
You: 19
You: male
Stranger: ahahaha. damn its so easy to troll nowadays...
You: no im gay
You: i love men so fucking much
Stranger: everyone is gay nowaydays
You: im active one
You: are u lesbian ?
You: do u love hentai :D
Stranger: you sure you stopped lying?
You: naah :D
You: true it
You: that im
You: ..
You: i have candys in my van
You: wanna some ?
Stranger: you guy seem legit. but im way to old
You: np
Stranger: dont oversue mthe memes asshole
You: i like mifs too :D
Stranger: oh yess and i forgot to tell you
You: ahh my balls are so dry
You: i need someone to lick them
You: wanna try ?
Stranger: im mauritian, 19, m , in the best high school here. and an Iq of 139. pretty low for the school
You: ooooooooooh yeaaaaa
You: ahahhahahahahha
Stranger: and you just got reversed trolled.
You: im mauritian, 19, m , in the best high school here. and an Iq of 139 ooooooooooooooooooooooooo look at me im so imba smart
You: oooooooooooooooooo
Stranger: oh shit the thc is kicking in
You: hahahah
You: suck it down
Stranger: time will slow by now
You: OK
Stranger: oh fuck oh fuck. the stuff was really strong
Stranger: no no
Stranger: i wont let this end up in an epic convo
Stranger: for the lulz. i deny this
You: WHAT*
Stranger: shota is enuff for me thnx
Stranger: what?
You: BBQ
You: do u have ubermicro
Stranger: Stranger: U KNOW WAHT BULLSHIT ?
You: are u 1337haxor
Stranger: ...
You: show me your ubermicro
Stranger: l337 is so the 90s
You: LEER-1337
You: the leet speak mon
You: the shit
You: dont u play gamez ?
Stranger: thats waht i said
Stranger: its so the 90s
You: its so now
Stranger: my father used to chat like that
You: dont make me rick roll you
You: ..................................... ........................................,-~~'''''''~~--,,_
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.................................................. ............................(_''~-': : : : : : : : :
.................................................. .............................'''~-,|: : : : : : ~---': : : :,'--NEVER GONNA
.................................................. .................................|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ -----GIVE YOU UP!
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Stranger: from the very definition of arick roll, you failed
Stranger: but i guess thats not the first one in the convo
You: WTF is convo
You: DGD
You: да го духаш
You: барай мечааааааааа
You: are pi6i we 4ifut
You: aahhahahg
You: this is not russian
Stranger: what do i care?
You: do i fuck ?
Stranger: deutsch?
You: are you soking some shit ?
You: do you listen to much k-jah ?
Stranger: WTF IS THAT??
You: ooooooooo u dont know k-jah ?>
You: ?
You: its a radio station
You: is awesome mon
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: thats from vice city..
You: no its a real station
You: you can listen here
You: http://www.live365.com/cgi-bin/mini.cgi ... er&tm=2640
You: a ragga one
Stranger: SHIT ON HERS
You: thats a good idea
You: btw
You: if you have a choice to have a super power what it will be ?
You: what super power will you shoose ?
You: choose*
Stranger: shreddign like satriani
You: hmm
You: i will choose flying
You: so i can fly and shit over the people
You: it will be awesome
Stranger: still trolling...
You: just imagine it
You: you have a bad day,you are comong back from work
Stranger: go on. and it better be good
You: and you just reach your home
You: and them some one pee on you from the sky :D
You: and i u walk on the street
You: and i take a shit on you from like 500 meters
You: when it fall on you
You: it probably can kill you
You: ahh im bored
You: say somethink
Stranger: ok dude im bored with you know
You: tell me something about yourself
Stranger: the password is heckelandjeckel
Stranger: remember
You: ok cool
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Профил Skype

Регистриран на:
16 Юли 2007 13:18
Мнения: 345
Местоположение: София
В момента играе: Worms Armageddon, HoMM 4, The Lord of the Rings Online, Killing Floor, Alien Swarm
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 08 Апр 2009 21:32

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: heya
Stranger: hey )
You: where are u from m8
Stranger: switzerland
Stranger: you?
You: bulgaria
You: i speak a litlle bit deutsch
You: german i mean
Stranger: haha
You: male ?
Stranger: and why?
Stranger: yes
You: why not
Stranger: you you learn it in school?
You: yep
You: since 3 years
You: hard language
Stranger: ok
You: very hard
You: how old are u
Stranger: yes it is
Stranger: 21
Stranger: you?
You: oop 16 here - almost 17
Stranger: very young
You: yep
Stranger: but a lot time to learn german and talk with me in german
You: ick kann es gut
You: sprechen
Stranger: und schreiben?
You: ja ja
You: naturlih
Stranger: bist du weiblich?
You: nein
You: male
Stranger: was weisst du über die schweiz?
You: aham aham there are a lot of banks nad chocolate
You: and watches
Stranger: i'm eating chocolate now
You: and mountains
Stranger: yes i'll go snowboarding on friday
You: ye super i am eating kebap - do u know what is this
Stranger: yes of corse
You: tasty
Stranger: no
Stranger: i'm vegetarian
You: ooh sry
Stranger: no problem
Stranger: my friends all love meat
You: do u have a girlfriend
You: i have
You: (sun)
Stranger: no i haven't
You: peh
Stranger: you?
You: yee
Stranger: i'm single since 2 months
You: she is 17 years old
You: do u play any games
Stranger: she went back to her ex
You: sad ...
Stranger: not really, i'm a macuser
You: ooh
You: my father is now in your country
You: :)
You: for 2 weeks
Stranger: nice
Stranger: i live next to austria and germany and liechtenstein
You: thats a beatifull country
You: i was there 2 times
Stranger: with nice people
Stranger: in with country?
Stranger: germany?
You: in constanc - i dont know how is the spelling
You: schitcerland
Stranger: Konstanz?
You: yes
You: the smae
You: same
Stranger: ah thats 30km from here
You: hehe lucky guy
Stranger: yes it's nice here
Stranger: but i think bulgaria is also a nice country
You: mm i dont think so
You: everything here is wrong
Stranger: why not?
Stranger: not so here
You: ye i know
Stranger: every thing works
You: the bulgarians the most sad ppl in the world according to
You: the ankets
You: after litva
You: or latva idk
You: latvia
Stranger: and swiss people?
You: idk
You: think u are very happy nation
You: u have lot of money and ...
You: its not like in bulgaria
Stranger: just a moment i will check this
You: heh ok
Stranger: we are the most happy people
Stranger: shame on us
You: congrats
You: btw do u have skype or my space or facebook or somethin like that
Stranger: you can find me on facebook
Stranger: Joël Zünd
Stranger: network switzerland
You: ok m8
You: 1 mom
You: ent
You: what do u like to do
You: in your free time
Stranger: snowboarding
Stranger: jogging
Stranger: music
Stranger: go out
Stranger: concerts
Stranger: computer
Stranger: eat
You: i read books and ...
You: of course go out with friends
Stranger: yes books are gread
Stranger: great
You: what kind of books do u read
Stranger: i dont think you can unterstand my profil on facebook :P it's a lot of swiss german
You: heh no problem i have a dictionary
Stranger: do you find me?
You: is there any difrence between swiss german and german german
You: not yet
You: my internet is too slow
Stranger: yes a big different
Stranger: german and swiss german are two different language
Stranger: with different gramatical
Stranger: with different words
You: o_O
Stranger: put every swiss people can speak german perfectlly
Stranger: because in swiss german you can't writte a letter
Stranger: ore something else
You: aham
Stranger: and the most in tv is german
Stranger: and why is your internet slow? :/
You: is it like american and british english
You: cause is cheap
You: its*
Stranger: no its a bigger different
You: watch it now - think i find u
Stranger: german: guten morgen, wie geht es dir?
swiss german: guata morga, wia gohts dr
You: wtf this is ...
You: another language
You: :)
Stranger: yes it is
Stranger: order a kebap
Stranger: german: kann ich einen kebap ohne zwiebeln haben?
swissgerman: chani n kepap ohni zwibla ha
You: bulgarish : dobro utro - kak si
You: our language is very stupid - so many words from the english
Stranger: do you really find me?
You: i mean not stupid
Stranger: i have nothing
You: yes add me
You: mm
Stranger: i have a cap and sunglasses on my head
You: may be u should try
Stranger: whats your name?
You: madmitko51
Stranger: on facebook?
You: yes
You: i am with football
You: ball
You: in my hands
Stranger: nothing
You: thats strange
Stranger: yep
Stranger: your mailadress?
Stranger: i can search it
You: jonney@dir.bg
You: do u fibd it
Stranger: Митко Манов
You: n*
You: ye the sma,e
You: same
Stranger: i hope it works
You: now we see
Stranger: yes
You: here we are
You: :)
You: in our coubtry the most popular is skype
Stranger: msn messenger in switzerland
Stranger: so i disconnect
Stranger: you'll find me on facebook now
Stranger: cu
You: ok
You: bb for now
Stranger: bb
You have disconnected.

И сам да съм у трамваю, па че се бутам.

Профил Skype

Регистриран на:
12 Яну 2002 11:09
Мнения: 976
Местоположение: Пловдив
В момента играе: Белот ...
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 11 Апр 2009 00:29

Олеее ... направих много голям чат ... Ебахти якото се получи, англиският естествено е на ниво ...

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: yo
You: mada-faka marmalad
You: yo yo
You: yo man
You: is thath you
Stranger: hahaha:D
Stranger: whos who?
Stranger: im 15 girl, n' u?
You: 21 male
You: :)
You: How Are you .. :)
Stranger: im goood just chillin' u know
Stranger: what 'bout u?
Stranger: where d'ya live?
You: My English
You: is very very
You: god
Stranger: good*
Stranger: :D
You: good :)
You: yes
Stranger: yeah it is ;D
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: u r from where?
You: Where you form
You: lol
You: Bulgaria
Stranger: finland, what 'bout u?
You: haha
Stranger: WOW cool
Stranger: :D
Stranger: i bet u r virgin who lives with own mom?
You: it's cold there
You: hahahahahaha
Stranger: aight rly cold in here but today was sunny day
You: you are very funny
Stranger: haha im serious, answer to my question?:D:DD
You: no
You: why do you ask
You: maybe you want to be my first ... :)
You: hahah
Stranger: well isnt it obvious that its strange to talk with a 15 yrs without being a virgin or living with own mom hahahaha
Stranger: HAHAH :D
You: hahah
You: yes you are right
Stranger: yeah i'd be your lovely first one
You: it's strange
You: You will :)
Stranger: yeah it is bit strange
You: buth
Stranger: but what haha?
You: i don't know
You: you are 15
You: :)
Stranger: yeah i am
Stranger: :)
Stranger: hey i didnt say that i'ma virgin tho
You: mmmm
Stranger: what?
Stranger: :D
You: so , whe are two virgins
You: here
Stranger: no im not a virgin
You: oh, sorry
You: so
Stranger: oww shame on u, well im MAYBE too young for u?
Stranger: :D
You: no
You: i;am on 21
You: buth i look licke 16-17 years old
You: :)
Stranger: this is so lame ahaahhha go lick yo' moms pussy if EVEN she'll give it to u
Stranger: yeah whatever
You: hahahahah
Stranger: u r pathetic, dont try to prove me anything
You: Buth i want to lick you
Stranger: u dont even have a fuckin' experience
You: i want to be my first
Stranger: u couldnt handle me
You: nooo
You: why that
You: you are very bad
Stranger: yeah u can be your first if u want to, just blow yo' dick babe
You: :(
Stranger: im only fuckin' 15 and u are hmm..21!? isnt that pretty pathetic for u to even try me?
You: why
Stranger: u gotta grow up maan
You: why you think like that
Stranger: why shouldnt i?
You: you are so bad to me
Stranger: u act like u were 13 hey what is this shhit hahaa
Stranger: no im not bad to u
Stranger: im trying to tell u something whats true
You: i'm going to cry, all nighnt lon
You: long
You: you open my eyes
You: :)
Stranger: u gotta survive on your own, not to try to hit or flirt with YOUNG AND YOUNGER chicks
Stranger: yeah hope so:)
You: hmmm ...
You: Ollder maybe
Stranger: well good luck for u, be gentle with your MOMMY
Stranger: yeah or maybe the same age cause u r virgin
Stranger: take care
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Only god can judge me , is that right ?
Only god can judge me now .
Only god baby , nobody else , nobody else .

Профил Skype
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