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Заглавие: Re: СЕКС!!!
Публикувано на: 06 Апр 2009 22:33

You: hey, jew
Stranger: Hey hey hey :D
You: ahahhahahhaaah
You: 4e se naserem
You: mlakvai ve !
You: 4ifut
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Регистриран на:
05 Юли 2006 13:52
Мнения: 8122
Заглавие: Re: СЕКС!!!
Публикувано на: 06 Апр 2009 22:36

ае момчета откъде ги взимате тия неща

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за това говоря


Заглавие: Re: СЕКС!!!
Публикувано на: 06 Апр 2009 22:40

Stranger: hi
Your conversational partner has disconnected.



Регистриран на:
09 Сеп 2005 16:30
Мнения: 587
В момента играе: Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
Заглавие: Re: СЕКС!!!
Публикувано на: 06 Апр 2009 22:40

В момента се опитвам да убедя един идиот, че съм китаец. :lol:

Профил ICQ Skype WWW

Регистриран на:
21 Апр 2004 16:43
Мнения: 517
Местоположение: София, бе, майна...
Заглавие: Re: СЕКС!!!
Публикувано на: 06 Апр 2009 22:51

You: hi
Stranger: oi
You: oi oi oi
You: you british eh ?
Stranger: tudo bem?
You: can't get you mate
You: speak english
Stranger: no :(
Stranger: speak portuguese?
You: no.
Stranger: ok
You: speak bulgarian ?
Stranger: no
You: speak dutch ?
Stranger: no
You: speak german ?
Stranger: speak espanhol
You: no
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I stand for courage, strength,
loyalty and bravery.
I am a hard working animal,
who will excell in what I do.
I will give it all I got.
I was bred to never quit.

~American Pit Bull Terrier

Профил ICQ Skype

Заглавие: Re: СЕКС!!!
Публикувано на: 06 Апр 2009 23:27

Stranger: can you fuck me? ;o
You: sure
You: are a grrr
Stranger: PANTS OFF

Stranger: Cookie?
Stranger: 8D
You: do u like turtles ?
Stranger: Yup, and you?
You: naah i prefer rats
Stranger: Do you like buttsex?
You: yeah baby yeah
Stranger: D:

Stranger: hey
You: yo
Stranger: life?
Stranger: asl
Stranger: aslaslaslasl
You: 19/male/RAQ
Stranger: soilder boy?
You: what solder boy ?
You: no
Stranger: as in in ze war
Stranger: raq?
Stranger: iraq
You: republic of actuqtuqtuengo
Stranger: yeah

You: i was rapped by a two man
Stranger: Tell me :D
You: well i was in a little street and 2 man comes and raped me
You: it was
You: awesomeeee
You: :D
You: yeah and they give me some ganja after that :D
Stranger: Hahahahha

Профил Skype

Регистриран на:
05 Юли 2006 13:52
Мнения: 8122
Заглавие: Re: СЕКС!!!
Публикувано на: 06 Апр 2009 23:40

кажете бе хора откъде ги изнамирате тия неща


Регистриран на:
04 Дек 2005 19:41
Мнения: 2610
Местоположение: q3dm6
В момента играе: q3
Заглавие: Re: СЕКС!!!
Публикувано на: 06 Апр 2009 23:44

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: Evening.
Stranger: How are things?
You: great
You: i thought of rick rolling you
Stranger: That is why you fail.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Reaching aural nirvana...


Регистриран на:
05 Юли 2008 22:56
Мнения: 49
Заглавие: Re: СЕКС!!!
Публикувано на: 06 Апр 2009 23:56

Stranger: you
You: im from bulgaria
Your conversational partner has disconnected

OWND :shock:

indeedhewas написа:
Aма в тоя извратен форум какъвто и да влезеш, излизаш блек метъл гей от Атака. Заеби. :cry:


Регистриран на:
05 Юли 2008 22:56
Мнения: 49
Заглавие: Re: СЕКС!!!
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 00:10

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: i have cancer =(
Your conversational partner has disconnected

:shock: :shock: :shock:

indeedhewas написа:
Aма в тоя извратен форум какъвто и да влезеш, излизаш блек метъл гей от Атака. Заеби. :cry:


Регистриран на:
09 Сеп 2005 16:30
Мнения: 587
В момента играе: Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
Заглавие: Re: СЕКС!!!
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 00:24

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
You: asl?
Stranger: hi
Stranger: 17/f/ uk
Stranger: u
You: 17/m/bg
Stranger: bg?
You: bg stands for bulgaria
Stranger: oh
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Профил ICQ Skype WWW

Заглавие: Re: СЕКС!!!
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 00:39

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: i like sex
You: I bet you do, Dianke


Регистриран на:
13 Дек 2003 12:57
Мнения: 5225
Заглавие: Re: СЕКС!!!
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 00:58

You: hi
Stranger: hiho
You: hihoha
Stranger: hehu
You: hehihihe
Stranger: hohohaosdhfosidfj
You: hahahuhahidkjsadhgfukjdsahfkljsa
Stranger: oooh
Stranger: you win
Stranger: im a loser
Stranger: :(
You: yep
You: u suck
You: my next move would have been hrandomshit
Stranger: you are a bad person
Stranger: i will go to ther corner of my room
You: yeah, do that little emo... and in that time I'll eat some little kitties
Stranger: fucking emor
Stranger: emo
Stranger: u will die for say this
You: yeah, but kitty-eating emo!
Stranger: no
Stranger: im a fuckinglittleturtles
Stranger: :D
You: beware of their parrents
You: the turtles are known for their raping-protecting habbits
Stranger: oooh
Stranger: difficult words
Stranger: :(
Stranger: what is raping?
You: the world would have been so much better if we had just tic and tac in the language
Stranger: no
Stranger: the better is that all body speak different cultures and allbody learn a unic lenguage
You: raping is... um... forcefully... fucking... someone... without them wanting it... or some shit like that, I'm not sure anymore
You: yeah but then the people would start building towers and god gets mad and bad shit happens
You: but I like towers
You: i love my tower!
Stranger: is difficult for me write in english
Stranger: xD
Stranger: i dont like towers
Stranger: only turtles
You: when the shit rain starts I can climb on my tower and watch everybody else get hit by falling shit comets
You: turtles are cool
You: turtles like... pizza?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: 4 cheese
You: I really dunno about that
You: my brain just got sucked out through my nose
Stranger: i have a cat called guantes
Stranger: you like guantes?
Stranger: shut up
Stranger: why?
Stranger: SHUT UP
Stranger: plz, dont squirt me
Stranger: plzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Stranger: plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Stranger: hou hou hoy
Stranger: im santaclaus
Stranger: beeee
Stranger: dice la oveja
Stranger: ooh noes
You: I like guantes
You: I think
You: dunno
You: btw why do I have to shut up while sucking
You: it is always more fun to talk
Stranger: ooooh
Stranger: caboon
Stranger: LHC
Stranger: NOOOOOO
Stranger: WE WILL DIE
You: no, we aren't going to die, we will just go to another level of existence
Stranger: YES
Stranger: other level
Stranger: mmm
Stranger: only sex
Stranger: with turtles
You: and pizza
You: I always wanted to have sex with pizza
You: and a turtle
You: while watching scooby do
Stranger: a pizza with form of turlte
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: fucking yeah
Stranger: scooby do?
Stranger: noo
Stranger: :_(
Stranger: mi dog
Stranger: my dog
Stranger: my dog
Stranger: :_(
Stranger: is dead
You: sorry about that... but now he is doing sex with turtles
Stranger: :_)
Stranger: you recomfort me
Stranger: you are my best friend
You: best friends always recomfort their friends with the idea of their dead dog fucking a turtle
Stranger: oh my god
Stranger: in other conversation
Stranger: im writing myself
Stranger: xDDDDD
Stranger: impossible!
You: yeah, it is always good to find someone that is able to write about these kind of stuff...
Stranger: xD
You: I think I'll go to a pet store tomorow and buy a turtle
You: and a turtle strap on
Stranger: shut up, im fascinate with my other conversation with myself
You: I can hear the voices!
Stranger: good voices
You: pretty voices
You: they have pizza
You: the refrigirator is talking to me
Stranger: pizza
Stranger: cuál es tu peferida?
You: ?
Stranger: your favorite pizza
You: dunno really... hawai... perhaps... the one with the pineapple
Stranger: ...
Stranger: pineapple suck
You: yeah, but it sucks gooood!
Stranger: zzZZzz
You: well it can suck while snoring too

Stranger: You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi, random stranger, are you going to rape me?
Stranger: Probably not, but who can tell?
You: my mom says that random strangers will rape me
You: and give me candy
You: I'm in for the candy
Stranger: In that order?
Stranger: Wouldn't it work better the other way around?
You: well, the good stuff comes first but candy is always the best desert
Stranger: Candy?
Stranger: Or "candy"?
You: they ruin the meal
You: dunno
Stranger: Funstuff
Stranger: Dinner is importanr
You: that is why first you eat your rape and then your candy
Stranger: Right
Stranger: Can't ruin the rape, can we?
You: there is just no way!
Stranger: You'd make a good kindgerdargen teacher
You: kids are important
You: I love kids
Stranger: "love"
Stranger: /air quotes
Stranger: So..
Stranger: How's life?
You: it is going little by little
You: but always forgets to close the door
Stranger: Life's lazy sometimes
You: yeah
Stranger: Yeah
You: so where r u from?
Stranger: USA, you?
You: far far away
Stranger: How far?
You: about... well, dunno really, very far
You: like ancient greece far or something
Stranger: Ah, the mysterious stranger type
You: nah
You: just "I don't wanna scare you" type of stranger
Stranger: Ah
Stranger: Ooh
You: it is creepy in here
Stranger: Scare me
You: bulgaria(a lighting strikes and kills a... something)
Stranger: Not that far, is it?
Stranger: Europe and all
You: yea
You: the end of the world that is :)
Stranger: Not fond of it, huh?

We're nothing like God. Not only do we have limited powers, but sometimes we're driven to become the devil himself. What's your answer this time?
Repeat carefully after me! This world is made... This world is made of... made of... LOVE AND PEACE!


Регистриран на:
14 Юли 2008 14:51
Мнения: 767
Местоположение: Hyperion
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 01:40

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi there!
You: ei
You: whr from?
Stranger: finland :)
You: aa finland
You: cool
Stranger: and you? <:
Stranger: ah!
You: why havent heard of it
You: ???
Stranger: I used to live in mars
You: on the north pole or south pole
You: ???
Stranger: north pole. with the biker mice from mars
You: so there were your cousins?
You: a?
You: they were*
Stranger: aye
Stranger: yep
Stranger: well
You: oo cool
Stranger: yeah ;)
You: they give u a ride
You: ?
Stranger: sure, lots of times :)
You: aham
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: with theyr bikes
Stranger: you perv
You: I - a perv
You: omg
You: ???
You: u said it
Stranger: :D
You: u thinked of it first
You: dont liue
You: lie
Stranger: :<
You: intersting how we havent meeted then
You: cause they were my
You: cousins too
Stranger: ah
Stranger: well
You: maybe
Stranger: I was the handsomeone in the family
Stranger: I didn't want to hang out with the likes of you
Stranger: ;)
You: hmm i dont remeber handsome perv from back them
Stranger: im not a per
Stranger: v
You: lying again
You: !
Stranger: no im not :<
You: k

HolyCrusader написа:
Острова е корк ясно, но това го прави по-скоро космически кораб.


Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 01:52

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: i really need someone to talk to.
You: Speak.
Stranger: i'm only 13 years old and i'm pregant.
Stranger: my parents don't know.
You: Diana , is that you ?


Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 01:53

Stranger: hello
You: Hello, sir.
Stranger: good evening mam
You: I am from the FBA, here to ask you a few questions.
Stranger: well go ahead =(
Stranger: i dont like to be questioned by the police
You: There has been a series of pedophile cybers here.
You: Have you encountered such?
You: Please cooperate or we will have to shut down this site.
You: Sir?
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: i really havent seen one
Stranger: cous im not a child
You: Do you happen, by any chance, to be one?
Stranger: cant tell you
Stranger: its a secret
You: Sir, please do not mess with me.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hola
You: hola homie
Stranger: whats gwarning
You: i'm into drugs.
Stranger: ah me too
Stranger: what shit you do?
You: shrooms/weed.
Stranger: standard bro
You: i kno brah
Stranger: where you from den?
You: harlem?
Stranger: whered that ?
You: in tha states brah
Stranger: ah cool
You: you a mexican?
Stranger: yeah
You: now that you bring it up, i could use some dish washing
You: interested?


Регистриран на:
25 Фев 2004 22:48
Мнения: 3549
Местоположение: Within emptiness unobstructed
В момента играе: Игрътъ
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 02:22

readonly, с подкрепата на Encyclopedia Dramatica, /b/
(и в името на изконния сайбърсекс трол BloodNinja)


С уговорката, че TinyPic са мизерни ирански джебчии и трият картинките след половин час, затова картинката от линка, който давам в логовете можете да видите тук: http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Image:Squidwoman1.jpg
(иначе бетер няма да е смешно)


Act I

Stranger: hellllllllllllooooooooooooooooooo
You: heey
You: how's it going ?
Stranger: great
Stranger: how was your day
You: oh, great day indeed
Stranger: why
Stranger: what did you do
You: i went to the gym and then to solarium to get some proper tan
You: i like to look good in the summer
Stranger: are you a guy?
Stranger: and you tan?
You: no, sweetheart, i am a lady
You: and tell you what
Stranger: well it scared me for a second there
Stranger: tell me what
You: that sweet massage i got after the gym and tan part
You: and that whole stranger thing in here
You: it.. kinda really gets me on
Stranger: youre creepy
You: oh, way to go with a lady
Stranger: i try
You: try what, not getting any for the rest of your life ?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: every day
Stranger: thats what my first thought is when i wake up
You: aah, poor soul
Stranger: i know i know
You: he appear feeble and miserable to the horny lady
Stranger: is it not like 1 or 2 in the morning in england
You: tell you what
You: let's play a game
Stranger: you are not a horny lady
Stranger: there are no women on the internet
Stranger: what game
You: and you might be a lesbian so what the fuck
You: listen to me
Stranger: what
You: where i live it's 3 AM
Stranger: it is 8 PM where I live
You: if you make a good guess where I live
You: i will send you pictures of my breasts
Stranger: you live in dover
You: dover that's.. pretty far from here
You: but i gotta admit, you really got me with that not getting any part
You: figured i'd show you some goods anyway
You: make you better, kiddo
You: here you ho
Stranger: sweet
You: http://i43.tinypic.com/2i9mngi.jpg
Stranger: i am not clicking that
You: your loss, sweety
Stranger: im not on my own computer
You: come on, don't you do anything improper in your life
Stranger: you are a creep
Stranger: goodbye

Act II

Stranger: hot
Stranger: MAAAAN
Stranger: GIIIRL
Stranger: WHATEVE
Stranger: r
Stranger: SO HARD
You: wow aren't you horny
Stranger: OHYEAH
Stranger: no not rly
Stranger: ._.
You: really ? ._.
Stranger: yeah
You: that's too bad, dear
Stranger: ._.
You: tonight i'm so horny
Stranger: no
Stranger: .o.
Stranger: 'o'
Stranger: 'O'
Stranger: reallY?
You: this stranger think really gives me the tingles down there
You: thing
Stranger: oboyoboyoboy
You: i like you
You: you are upfront
Stranger: i like you to
Stranger: you are um
You: and i'm also a bit of a bitch
Stranger: o.O
Stranger: awesome
You: let's play a game
Stranger: yes
You: right now where I live it's 2:27 AM
You: if you guess where i'm from
You: i will send you pictures of my breasts
You: the full thing
Stranger: O_O
You: don't be shy, dear
You: take a dare
You: come ooonn
You: i'm really into this
Stranger: w8
Stranger: xD
Stranger: china?
Stranger: Minsk?
You: not really but hey, i like you
You: and minsk is like real close so what the fuck
You: here you go, champ
You: http://i43.tinypic.com/2i9mngi.jpg
Stranger: probably rickroll -.-
Stranger: xD
Stranger: lol
Stranger: 8)
Stranger: xD
You: what's funny ?
Stranger: you have an octopus
Stranger: stuck
Stranger: in you ass
You: what ??
Stranger: you should go see a doctor
You: wait
You: let me see that picture i sent you
You: ..
You: i'm so mistaken
You: well obviously i'm into some kinky shit
Stranger: yea
You: whatever floats your boat, right
Stranger: o.O
You: you give me a lot of surprised faces there
You: are you shy ?
Stranger: yes
You: i can tell
Stranger: good for you
You: i wish you luck in love
You: xoxoxoxox
Stranger: i wish you to
Stranger: xD
You have disconnected.


Stranger: hey
You: Hi !
Stranger: how are you?
You: well
You: tonight i'm kinda horny
You: see
You: this whole stranger thing
You: turns out it really gets me on
You: hehe
You: are you a mis or a mister
Stranger: hahahahaha, you are crazy or somenthig?
You: i wish i was
Stranger: ooh i see
You: if i go see a doctor he'd tell me i'm perfectly healthy
You: so i'm stuck with who i am
You: hey
You: want to play a game ?
Stranger: HAHAH certainly!
Stranger: what game?
You: well
You: where i live now it's 3 AM
You: if you guess where I live
You: i will show you pictures of my breasts
Stranger: HAHAHA stupid
You: i wasn't kidding about the horny part
[03:04:09] Muhammad ibn Zakarīya Rāzi | 08.05 ;]: да еба педала

Act IV

Stranger: Hey. you a horny female?
You: wow
You: you're real upfront
You: i like that in a man
Stranger: thanks
You: i'm also a bit of a bitch, per say
You: let's play a game
Stranger: I like that in a woman.
You: where i am from, it is 2:21 AM
Stranger: sure
You: if you guess where I'm from
You: i will send you pictures of my bare chest
Stranger: Finland?
You: oh, I love Finland
You: but it isn't
You: but hey
You: you got me interested
You: and finland is close
Stranger: sweet
You: so what the fuck
You: http://i43.tinypic.com/2i9mngi.jpg
You: here you go, stranger
Stranger: wow, weird chest you got.
You: what's weird about it
You: let me have a look
You: well
You: i'm into some kinky shit

Act V

You: hey
You: it's two am in here
Stranger: I got it from my mama
Stranger: or was it yours
Stranger: i forgot
You: if you guess where i'm from
You: i will show you my boobs
You: complete
Stranger: whoow
Stranger: thank god im a lesbian
You: it's ok i go with girls too
Stranger: checkedaisy
Stranger: two am
You: not sure you're right but
Stranger: means you're one hour ahead of me
You: you got me interested
Stranger: poland
You: just a little..
You: ok
You: http://i43.tinypic.com/2i9mngi.jpg
You: here it is
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Регистриран на:
11 Юли 2008 08:00
Мнения: 418
Местоположение: Дерник
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 08:07


Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: NW?
You: قناة عربية إخبارية تعمل على
Your conversational partner has disconnected

Summoning his cosmic powers
And glowing slightly from his toes
His psychic emanations fly


Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 08:56

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hi
Stranger: Who are you?
You: I am your mother!
Your conversational partner has disconnected


Регистриран на:
04 Дек 2005 19:41
Мнения: 2610
Местоположение: q3dm6
В момента играе: q3
Заглавие: Re: www.omegle.com
Публикувано на: 07 Апр 2009 12:03

Освен че са добри спелери(случея на реконекта) са и добри лъжци:

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello jewish boy
Stranger: Why hello there.
You: are you jewish?
Stranger: Why would I want to be thrown in a oven, fuck no I'm not jewish.
You: thank god
Stranger: I'm gay though, so I'm still going to burn in hell.
You: jews suck balls
You: hey
You: what a coincidence
You: im gay too
You: we can burn in hell together
Stranger: How unfortunate for you, I'm a woman, sorry fag boy.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Reaching aural nirvana...

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